I am 39 years old. Beginning August I went on a tour to a remote town for work and when I came back I had high fever accompanied with rash. I was given anti biotic but the reason behind the rash could not be diagnosed. Even when the fever was gone I felt extremely lethargic and once even fell asleep during an online meeting. I couldn't work because of how sleepy I felt. On Aug 20 I got married and I had high fever after a few days. The blood test showed high SGPT. I was given
Antibiotics again and I recovered from the fever. But I couldn't just find the drive to go to work. So I got thorough tests done and the test results show I have UTI and fall under ESBL so I am now taking intravenous
Antibiotics . It is day 6 now of my
Antibiotic course but I still feel like crap - tired, demotivated, sleepy, occasional cramps (which goes away with a good bowel movement), gas, cough, joint pain in the leg, insomnia, angry. I haven't been to work for over a month and that is adding to the stress. I am a smoker although I am smoking much less now. I am also on oral contraceptives since my marriage on Aug 20.