V asks:
"Psyllium" is not a part of the Master Cleanse. May I ask why you feel the need to use this?
answer: I saw many posts on CureZone about P&B shakes so I found out what the 'P' was and bought some. I haven't incorporated it because now I find many like yourself speak against it.
Bentonite was mentioned on other web sites on the
Master-Cleanse as a beneficial ingretient. My first day incorporated
Bentonite as I hadn't yet found this forum. For what it's worth, I got here from listening to an Art Bell program on which nutritianist John Gray, of Mars/Venus fame, recomended the MC. Then googled lemonade clense...there's lots of information/disinformation out there.
Well day 3 starts (1pm)...having trouble focusing my eye...just drank the SWF...have to lay down again for a bit. Forgive if some of this is off, I can't see well enough to reread it.
Thanks for verbalizing the results of the MC. Forgive me but I get the impression that the
Master-Cleanse has become a 'high' for some and some are going through cycles of binge, MC, binge MC. I am hoping for a long term solution to a serious health problem.