Cure Exfoliative Cheilitis Using Diet:
Follow this diet perfectly for 1-2 weeks… at that point you can start cheating and changing
things around a bit. Don’t quit until you are able to slow and stop the peeling cycle.
Once you take the burden off your digestive and immune systems you will see the condition start to clear
up (depending how closely you follow everything) and you will have a much better understanding of how
‘trigger foods’ affect the peeling cycle.
Remember – no cheating, do it properly for at least a couple of weeks and if you feel you can’t follow
because its too tough for you… you need to stop whining,, you lack discipline!
Example 1 Week Grocery List (All these foods are HIGHLY recommended, it’s my exact diet)
8 Bananas
8 Apples (or pears)
2 Mangoes
4-5 Kiwis
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2 Large bags of grapes
4 Packs of broccoli
5 Large cucumbers
1 Pack of celery
1 Medium ginger root
1-2 Cloves of garlic
3-4 Large onions
1 Bag of brown, long whole grain rice
Small bag of quinoa (optional)
Bag of 14 grain bread (optional)
1 Small, ocean caught, fresh salmon fillet
1 High quality chicken breast or leg
1 Pack of large high quality eggs (eat lots of eggs)
Buy 1 large jar of *extra virgin cold pressed organic* coconut oil. (IMPORTANT)
Fresh Herbs & Seasonings are OK
Most Organic Sauces are OK
Natural soy sauce and teriyaki etc are OK
Read Ingredients Make Sure There’s No Chemicals (calories are unimportant..)
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Everything should be high quality but especially the bread, eggs, meat and sauces.
THAT’S THE DIET – SUPER BASIC!!! Diet needs to be your main concern because trigger foods depress
the immune system leading to flare ups and over time layers of peeling skin.
Overeating, eating junk food, binge eating, allergic reactions to food, indigestion, eating improper food
combination’s, eating foods that are chemically laced, too acidic and not drinking enough clean, fresh
water are other problems that fall into the diet category.
This specialized diet that will not only provide your body with all essential vitamins and nutrients but also
take the digestive and toxic burden off your body and allow you to heal yourself. Its important not to stray
from to diet until the peeling has slowed down completely, once this happens to you can start slowly
introducing new foods into your diet and test if they cause peeling skin.
Don’t worry about buying organic foods or expensive supplements unless your bank account can take the
hit, these things should be the least of your worries if your diet isn’t straight.
Buy fresh groceries 1-2 times throughout the week so you can re-stock on fresh foods.
List Of Acceptable Foods…
Fruits: Apples, mangoes, raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, strawberries,
watermelon, cantaloupe, cherries, plums, goji berries, grapefruit, honeydew, oranges,
peaches, pineapple, tangerine, avocado, papaya.Avoid: Dried fruits like raisins, apricots,
dates. Also avoid tomatoes.
Vegetables: Broccoli, cauliflower, asparagus, beans, beets, brussels sprouts, cabbage,
cauliflower, collard greens, corn, potatoes, sprouts, turnips.Onions, Garlic and Ginger OK
but must be cooked.
Grains/Nuts: Rice (including rice noodles), quinoa, flax seeds, 14 grain bread etc…
Optional (only in moderation): Walnuts, brazil nuts, almonds, cashews, hazelnuts,
amaranth, spelt. Avoid: Peanuts and pistachios (they are OK from time to time but generally
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amaranth, spelt. Avoid: Peanuts and pistachios (they are OK from time to time but generally
avoid them). Don’t buy quick 5 min uncle Ben’s crap rice, no parboiled or preboiled or
microwaved in 5 seconds crap. Get high quality rice and make sure it has a minimum 20
min cook time. Cook large batches of rice and keep it in the fridge (stores for approx. 1
Meat/Protein (in strict moderation):Chicken, fish and very occasionally beef or turkey. Eat
1 pack of eggs per week. Avoid: Don’t eat pork. Don’t buy smoked, pre-seasoned, or heavily
processed meat, no canned meat (yuck wtf..), no pre-cooked meat, no seafood or fish
except ocean caught salmon and trout.
Cooking Oil: Organic cold pressed extra virgin coconut oil only.
Sauces & Seasonings: Try and get healthy sauces and seasonings but don’t use much.
Avoid: Hot spices (except pure cayenne pepper), avoid over-seasoning, chemically
processed, chemically laced junk. Natural soy sauce, teriyaki and stuff like that are OK but
check ingredients, avoid dirty chemicals,
Genetically-Modified-Organisms and low grade oils.
Avoid all milk, yogurt, butter and cheese, don’t eat dairy whatsoever.
Although the foods list above are acceptable you should follow the EXACT grocery list found here.
***IMPORTANT*** Make sure any food you ingest contains none of the following:
White flour (or ‘enriched’ flour)
White sugar
table salt
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Hydrogenated oils, corn oil, canola oil, vegetable oil, peanut oil, sesame oil etc..
Artificial sweeteners (sucralose, splenda, nutrasweet, ASSpertame etc)
Addictive or harmful chemicals (MSG etc..)
Make sure any food that you consume is not:
A microwave dinner (*in fact you can throw your microwave away*)
Labeled low/reduced fat
Labeled low/reduced salt
Labeled 0 calories
All Natural (deceptive advertising check ingredients)
Labeled diet or anything about losing weight
Parboiled / Preboiled (rice)
Deep fried
Genetically modified
Filled with chemicals you can’t even read (always read ingredients, not calories)
More stuff to avoid..
Drinking too much alcohol
Drinking too much coffee (try to stop drinking it)
Taking street drugs (marijuana OK in moderation)
Ditch pharmaceutical drugs (talk to your doctor first *rolleyes*)
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What to drink throughout the day:
LOTS of Water (filtered or tap) – Don’t drink too much bottled water
Freshly squeezed juice
Green Tea (1-2 cups per day maximum)
Not Feeling Hungry When You Wake Up? If your feeling bloated don’t eat breakfast right away instead
drink a couple glasses of water and do a quick workout or go jogging. Ideally you should eat your last
meal or snack 2-3 hours before bed so you are hungry right away in the morning. Eat fruit for the next few
of hours and later load up on eggs on multi-grain bread, rice and vegetables or rice and eggs.
Example dietary schedule:
8:00 am – Drink 2-3 glasses of water (immediately upon rising)
8:15 am – Eat 2 of the same kind of fruit (Breakfast)
9:00 am – Drink 1 glass of juice (homemade juice)
10:15 am – Eat 1 more serving of fruit of your choice(Snack)
11:00 am – Drink 1 more glass of water if thirsty
11:45 am – Eat more fruit if still hungry (only alternatives: celery, cucumber)
12:15 pm – Drink 1 more glass of water
1:15 pm – Eat fish, chicken or eggs with mixed vegetables and rice (Lunch)
3:45 pm – Serving of veggies or have a small salad (Mid-day snack)
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6:00 pm – Eat grain food + mixed vegetables (Dinner)
7:30 pm – Drink 1-2 glasses of water
8:15 pm – Eat some veggies or have a salad (Last meal of day)
10:45 pm – Drink 1 glass of water (30-40 minutes before sleeping)
Remember not to overeat, this is to be used as a basic outline not something you follow 100%.
Obviously you have a life, a job, responsibilities etc and can’t follow it to the word. That’s OK. I added extra
meals so nobody can complain they are starving to death. Ideally you should eat multiple small meals
throughout the day with lots of water in between each meal but try not to drink while eating (weakens