You will always get die-off reactions when you kill high numbers of pathogens. These Herx reactions are partly caused by the die-off -- when a large number of pathogens are suddenly killed, then larger amounts of waste toxinns are released into the blood that the liver must remove. This is why you will feel awful for a while -- because the liver is under stress. This is normal during healing and recovery from candida. The other factor is your heavy metal and bromine/fluorine status. Iodine acts to remove these and again this puts the liver under more stress making you feel poorly.
The two supplements that might help to clear these toxins are molybdenum and magnesium. Candida produces dangerous alcohols and aldehyde waste products that are toxic to the liver. Molybdenum helps because it s needed to form the aldehyde dehydrogenase enzyme in the body -- which acts to convert and clear dangerous aldehydes from the body. Magnesium is needed to clear the alcohols.
To curb your sugar and carbohydrate cravings you should drink Gymnema sylvestre tea three times a day. You should also start taking chromium to reduce the sugar in your blood. This should help to reduce your cravings.
Be sure to take the Iodine Protocol which should help your thyroid to heal properly. Don't take shortcuts with this protocol, every advised nutrient has a purpose.
Take pancreatin with protease enzymes and betaine hydrochloride to help improve your overweight and digestive problems. More advice and details for you here.