Thanks everyone for the input.. So deffinately a roundworm/ascaria and to be very specific a whipworm.
I did the cleanse a couple weeks ago and felt better each time a passed a worm. I then stopped for a week or so and actually got alot worse...
I had Night sweats and my odor and anxiety want over the roof(just read
Hulda Clark theory about eggs hatching) So I think a long cleanse is in order maybe a few months.
I also added swedish bitters and bitter herbs like arugula, thyme ect before meals to get my digestion up before meals and have recently added a tbsp turmeric mixed in water after each meal.
To Positive Mind:
Does Reese's affect only pinworms or can it be a good treatment for roundworms as well? I'm assuming i will need a doctor prescription for this?
Thanks again.