Just wanted to share my experience and ask a few questions.,
Recently Grizz posted on a topic I made regarding some issues I'm having and suggested Dr Brownsteins
Iodine protocol. After reading lots of info about it I decided to give it a try and bought all the supplements that were recommended.
I have only been doing it around a month now and I have to say the results I'm getting already are quite amazing, I had athletes foot for about 10 years almost all the time and no creams or natural remedies I tried helped even cutting out
Sugar when I tried the candida diet, yet painting
Lugols on has got rid of all the horrible skin , also I woukd like to say I had a injury to my prostate around about 7 years ago and ever since it has been swallon and in pain Nearlly everyday since which caused back ache to which the doctor said they could do nothing about which seems to be getting better all the time after using iodine.
Just a few questions though,
I still can't seem to take mag in any form other than in a multi vit, I tried oxide and citrate and and about 30 minutes after taking would go wired and jittery and couldn't sleep and make
My heart race and cause palpations , weirdly the opposite effect of what it seems to have on everybody else, I then bought mag oil which was more tolerable but still caused fast heart rate and wired effect. Any ideas?
ALso I'm struggling to tell if a detox has started because I generally wake up with a headache and blocked sinuses every morning but
Iodine does seem to calm my heart palps
Sorry for the essay thanks for reading