I would lay off the heavy protein for a few days.
I would eat greens and fruit, these are easy on the liver. Protein and fat take more work from the liver and gallbladder.
I don't think it would be helpful to consume more GSE. Did you know that it was semi-synthetic? Look it up, it's true!
You would think that GSE would be exactly what is is called: Grapefruit Seed Extract. However, it then undergoes a chemical process, the details of which I cannot recall. I will stick to whole grapefruit seeds from now on.
f*** that shit. I hate mislabeled products. MMS pisses me off for the same reason. Mineral Solution? GTFO. There are no minerals in that solution. Not even a metalloid like Boron or Silicon. Chlorine Dioxide in water is nothing but CL, O, and H. I would like to beat Jim Humble with his own walking stick.