We had a first time poster who said they did not have details but asked for prayers on your behalf .... and then we waited .... and waited ..... two weeks later poof! .... they appear to have been answered .... i think ..... can you provide some positive ID that confirms you are who we think you are ..... who won the World Series in 1902?
Mother had triple bypass in 01', came home a couple three or four days later. She was lucky to have been treated prior to heart attack proper, was feeling ill " tachy" one day, looked quite gray, was admitted the next day and in surgery the next. When doc sent her home he advised she eat rich, artery clogging food for a week or two to help the initial healing process (verbatim) . Her procedure did use the heart/lung machine for some hours and she did experience a bit of the telltale depression afterwards but recovered well, color returned to her face.and still has the teddy bear badge of honor in the bedroom... kinda like getting the old family car motor overhauled just before it blew up, got bored-out cylinders to boot and probably 15 years more of being alive she otherwise would have avoided.
Have you given any thoughts to how you will enjoy your overhauled ticker?
God speed.