Any type of Parasite, it doesn't matter at all which. You'll never see 3/4 of them anyway because they're outside the digestive tract. Like trying to find dead bodies in the river when they're over 100 miles away in the abandoned lot. They aren't going to be in the river, ever.
I'd start with a good
parasite cleanse WITH a *zapper*. It's a waste of time to just do the herbs--it just scatters them out of your digestive tract. Get Dr. Clark's book, and follow her protocol, not just flop around half-a$$ed. Do it right. And be careful of buying zappers right now. The USA/Canada/Western Europe have probably been corrupted--with human killing frequencies.
Non-western aligned countries may be able to avoid it. But if you feel anything at all, other than a faint fizz where it's killing
parasites stop using it immediately---you can make a battery one to get you by if need be it's in her book 'cure for all diseases'--please be careful---think UN agenda 21--the genocide of humanity. Yes, they are trying to kill you.