Hello kmg4
I'm sorry that your illness has not been cured by fasting. Your post made me reflect on my own experiments with fasting and such things. I am sharing them here and they might be helpful as food for thought for you.
I have done two 7 day
Water Fasts over the last year and several shorter ones. This hasn't cured my health issues, but I feel it has helped to some extent in making my body less toxic.
For example, my sciatic pain has considerably reduced, and for most times, disappeared. This could be purely because I lost about 10 pounds, but it could also be because of detoxification in the muscular and nerve passages where the pain has been. Plus I owe the very idea that I should have a relatively small degree of body fat as compared to most people around me to Natural Hygiene, of which I would not have known had I not explored fasting. And thus I would have never thought of loosing that little paunch and mild flab I had here and there, because I was not overweight according to conventional or allopathic standards.
I had a chest pain which is more or less gone.
But I have an eye condition which has not been helped much. However, even though my eye symptoms have not been helped, the last time I fasted for a week I could feel more blood flow to my eyes and also more lymphatic drainage from them into the thoracic duct.
So in my experience fasting may not cure, but it does clean up the blood, the liver, the lymph - which I think are all one system - and thus prepare the path for further cleansing and healing.
Plus, if you are so inclined, fasting is an inner journey that takes you to new and more open spaces within yourself, psychologically speaking. That may also add a new dimension to one's relationship with one's illness.
Regarding the dark circles and the weight loss that isn't getting reversed - I would say this and many on this forum may not agree with me - the Natural Hygiene movement, with its raw food and fasting, is based on the human being as he was before civilisation developed and brought in toxicity as a result of being disconnected from nature. So if you are a hunter gatherer living in 20,000 BCE, doing a 30 day fast and eating an all raw diet may be all you need to be healthy - if you are sick at all.
But in 2016 CE, the world being more toxic materially, and probably psychologically, than it ever was, it might not be the best idea to eat all raw, become predominantly fruitarian, shun all supplements, and do fasts of 20-30 days. Some can do it, while some will have bodies which are too toxic to deal with this.
The hunter gatherer did not have a liver compromised by all kinds of pollution, so he could eat raw vegetables, break down the cellulose, and cleanse off any toxins created either by the vegetable itself, or by parts of it which were not digested. His body would produce and absorb enough B 12. He might even get enough micronutrients on a predominantly fruit diet because some doctors think that the body can extract nutrients if it is in good health, that
Science may not even know exist in a food.
But for us, already full of toxins, it may be another story. Hence, some flourish on a raw diet, others get even more sick. I, for one, am listening to my body and being about 2/3rds raw, or perhaps a little less. The internet is spilling over with stories of people who got more sick on a raw diet and we cannot turn a blind eye to this. The writings of
Andreas Moritz have explained some of these things to me relatively convincingly.
I would say that the same goes for fasting, and I would gradually, very carefully, build up to longer fasts after finding some sources of supervision and arming myself with all scientific knowledge. While most people consider
Water Fasting harmless, there are some - Robert Lockhart, if I remember correctly, is one - who are proponents of
Water Fasting but do think that it may overburden the system with toxins if you are very ill and fast too long. I wouldn't advise my 77 year old father to
Water Fast for a week because his body may be too weak and toxic. You and I are just at a different place on the continuum of weakness and toxicity. So one week may be OK, but 2 or 3 might need some more building up to.
A system like Ayurveda, or similar systems - Tibetan, Greek-Islamic, and such forms of medicine - are meant for the person living in civilisation. Thus, they know the nuances of which kind of cooked food is good for which body type and so on, something Natural Hygiene is oblivious to. Again, I assume that if you are a hunter gatherer who has never breathed a fossil fuel fume, your body will find ways to balance itself and not get deranged by eating too many hot or cold or moist foods.
I am trying to take the best from different systems of non-allopathic medicine, letting listening to my body and to some extent also my rational faculties be the touchstone for choosing. For example, Ayurveda says one should not fast, but my body wants to fast, so I do relatively short fasts of a week or so and see how it goes. On the other hand, I do not eat a fully raw diet and ayurveda explains it nicely to me, saying that I am a 'vata' type, and I need warmth and moisture, which raw foods have a cool and dry 'prakriti', or nature.
Plus, herbal medicine is slower and less dramatic than fasting, but it heals.
Liver Flushing - I did 3 of those and got quite sick, so again, I am a bit vary of resuming that until I feel my body can take the toxins unleashed.
That's my humble 2 cents. The more experienced and knowledgeable ones here could help you more.
Also, I realise that a cancerous cyst is not something one would go about treating slowly, and hence you may not have all the time to go about exploring things. I hope things turn out the best for you.