About 8 months ago I had my first panic attack and that's when my life changed. Up to that point I was a happy, confident, positive person with no issues in life! I have a perfect husband, a son, and we were trying ti get pregnant with another baby. I have a great job which i enjoy, a flexible schedule, nice salary, a house..like i said perfect life! When the first attack happened, i ended up in ER, they ran all possible tests and everything came back ok. Months to follow, I visited so many doctors and they all said the same thing "you are stressed and need antidepressants!" How can i be stressed with such life?! I refused the antidepressants and was determined to find the real answers. I started seeing an acupuncturist about 6 months ago, and based on some testing we did, i was diagnosed with a leaky gut, parasites, inflammation, adrenal fatigue, and my yeast markers were very high so We are thinking I also have candida. I have to admit, i used to eat a lot of gluten, sugar, processes meat but after the attack I eliminated gluten, sugar, processes food, milk, grains, sugar, i only eat org fruit and veggies, org grass fed meat, i drink home made bone broth every day. When i was a child i feel like i was on
Antibiotics all the time! I was on a
parasite cleansing regime with oregano oil and a few weeks ago I started probiotics. I am also on some adrenal supplements, a quality multivitamine, vit c and b...But I dont see much of a progress. I am extremely anxious every single day and I will start crying for no reason!I feel like my condition has gotten worst since i started cleansing and probiotics. I started having panick attacks at night since I started probiotics. And every time it's around 2am! I dont know if these are die off sympthoms but I dont know what to do and where to go for help. Could all this be related to a leaky gut and candida?? Maybe I should just accept it and go on antidepressants even thought something inside of me believes that there is got to be an answer to my health issues. All i want is to be that old me, the positive fun person who enjoys life. Has anyone gone through a similar experience or has any suggestions??