There are Ayurveda hair treatments for hair loss that are amazing. I add a simple Rosemary EO to my shampoo and conditioner and it helps keep the hair that has not gone grey dark.
Brahmi, Thyme leaf powder mixed into a paste is useful and I noticed that once I started to treat the itchiness of my scalp that there had been a major infestation in the scalp in the pores. It is possibly the reason I have lost half of my hair in the past three months, which I thought was due to stress of my husbands hospitalization and injuries were in fact due to this
parasite infestation. I have new baby hairs growing in at one
inch in length since starting of treatment in March. I am hoping for more of my hair will come back now the pores are not sharing space with other things that were feeding off the nutrient factor of my skin, blood and etc.
In Ayurveda treatments, they have been using so many natural ingredients for over 5,000 years with success. I know it is not a fast fix and time consuming, but honestly it is good to go the slower path and suffer a little bit if you have a compromised echo system "ie body". I can say this now that my pills have arrived and being forced to use the natural remedies. Suffering is no fun and crazy making after doctors tell you that there is no sign to anything but refuse to see slides and pictures of what I had extracted myself. So.. be your own judge and do what feels right in your gut. Sometimes, I think.. personally that I have had to go the natural path in order to find alternatives that work. There will be a time that man made medications will stop working because of the over use of them. Building your natural system within is more important that killing off the invader.
I was at the health food store and I was told that we humans (could remember this wrong) have close to 160 Trillion bacteria that lives in the human body that we are made up of more bacteria than human. The difference is the Radical bacteria that go rogue and the unhealthy bacteria that attack organs and its (rogue cell) attack their own eco-system with blatant disregard to its own welfare. Even good bacteria that normally resides in the intestine can get out of control and travel to other areas of the body that are unhealthy to the human function. Balance is the key and sometimes pushing through without panic is the key to not acting foolishly when treating yourself. Information, information, information is the key. Then make that decision for yourself. If you know what is suppose to follow are killing a
parasite and how the body reacts then you will also know that with the proper protocol that you can be rebuilding your body with good bacteria that fights Candida and parasites. It is like pushing the reset button on a computer. This is an opportunity to reset your bodies eco system telling it what it needs to be healthy.
At this time I have pictures of flukes, tapeworms, Filarial and ribbon worms; along with a skin
parasite that doctors refuse to diagnose for some very strange reason. It is very strange that doctors look you in the eye and say after looking at a picture that they have no idea what it is, considering it seemed pretty easy for my husband and I to get while in the hospital and nursing home. I am certain we are Not the only ones to have such to happen. The Dermatologist refused to take a skin scraping of the knee which is why we were there on Wednesday but of something on his arms just to say there was nothing present. This is baffling behavior. It is evident that even if a person seeks medical attention and help, does not mean they are willing or capable of helping.
Sorry, just on a rant I guess. Just don't give up on alternative treatments out there.
Herbs are not the only treatments. There are oils, food grade that have specific uses if you do your research. Castor Oil goes into the pore, so does Sesame. If you need a carrier to travel into the pore for a treatment of injecting something, contemplate that. Lemon EO actually melts Styrofoam cup if you put a few drops on it. If you need to find something that works look at what you have in hand and see that something as simple as salt is actually a treatment that is as old as time. just don't burn your skin and add infection to the situation. Think simple and then research to see if your instincts are working for you. God, Universe does not supply you with everything around you that can be used to help. Working with the body and supporting it is the key.
Just keep trying and find out what works for you. I understand feeling defeated and disappointed after seeing each of the doctors my husband and I went to see with no relief. It is with great frustration and anger, It is not too much to expect or want to feel comfortable in your own skin without being bit and be invaded in your own home/body by
parasites that have total disregard to the happy balance eco system. Reminds me of the Genetically Engineered Dinosaur on Jurassic World that does not care and eats and kills everything in its' path.
And, about your question about grapefruit juice with praziquantel. I would, personally use the grapefruit rind, peel it with a potato peeler and dry it slightly on a cookie sheet in the oven at 200 degrees, very low. Keep an eye on it as it dries because of the oil content. After drying, crush it and put into some gelatin pills and I would ingest those. They are a bitter and have great power. If I did not react positively to that, I would then drink plenty of water. Most foods leave the body within 12 hours.