Hi, I developed a protocol that has worked for me. I had 6-8 different parasites. No
Tapeworms or amoebic infestations that I know of. Mostly worms, flukes and some really strange nests of critters.
You can find my protocol on my blog #4190. Getting the
parasites Out. The entire protocol is on the first post on the first page of the blog.
My protocol and my belief is that you have to treat the
parasites with multiple things and in multiple ways at the same time. You also have to have patience. My protocol was developed in conjunction with a Naturopathic doctor and I also used information from Paul Chek of the Chek Institute. Several people from this forum were helpful too.
Search for ICU's protocols on this forum if you want additional help. I didn't find her protocols until after I had gotten rid of my parasites. She uses pharmaceuticals. I used mostly herbs. She has some good suggestions around supplements that I think are of value. I can't speak to the pharmaceuticals but MattK3 has extensive protocols with them also.
Other resources are Dr. Andreas Kalcker. Google him and find his
parasite info.
The book
Healing the Symptoms Known as Autism by Kerri Rivera was also helpful. Videos from the Autism One 2014 conference were educational.
If you take a sample of a
parasite to a doctor he will not know what to do with it. Parasitologists identify
parasites from eggs, not from things that show up in our toilets.
I never did an ELISA test but I am researching them. Many on this forum recommend them.
You have to become educated and be your own healer/doctor. Please let us know what worked for you and if you were able to identify your parasites. There are anywhere from 100- 1000 human parasites and there are tests for only a few of them. There are some distinct differences in symptoms for helminths vs. protozoans. See if you can identify which you may have. Treatments are very different and tests are very different.