Totally agree. The doctor did not even have the courtesy to see the pictures I had on my
Cell Phone from the microscopic slides I had made. The biopsy came back negative for arthropods but stated that it was obvious something that was cause a severe reaction. The doctor would not prescribe any parasitic poison to apply to the skin without proof. I told her I had proof and she walked out of the room making a point that she was going to take a skin sample and do it her way. Which in the end of waiting another additional week came up with nothing but suffering on my husband and my own side. That should be criminal. As I began my research to find this culprit that was on our skin and spreading in this strange rash, that was not scabies, but seemed to behave like scabies. If you have kept track of your own progress and have a microscope or even a good camera that can zoom in to take pictures it really helps. I had been searching for months through arthropod
parasites for a month with no such luck because I was convinced it was a mite of some sort. I had to change my way of thinking and started researching microscopic
parasites with no luck then I started looking up embryos and larvae and bingo. I found gnats. I thought that was strange. Then I came across fruit flies and again more similarity and then bot flies came up and they are way to big, then Biting Midge flies. They are in the gnat, fruit fly family with the behavior of planting their young in hosts and live on blood meals. I have not found the information that shows embryo to larva because the NORMAL breeding cycle is they lay eggs in salt marshes and muddy areas, when the eggs hatch they dig and bury themselves into the mud where they they can take anywhere from two weeks to 6 months to mature. They can survive in salty and rotting areas. The one thing they need is moisture to thrive. There are a few case studies showing how humans are now being used as host when animals are not available. They say they are lunar, meaning they are more active with the moon cycle. I notice during 40 degree weather they were active and crawling around every 3rd day, biting on the 4th day, like mites, but when it got hot at 80 degrees they started to hatch daily.
My suggestion is that you act like the doctor and start taking note of when you feel activity, biting, itching. If your skin is damp, dry, salty. What your eating if it has changed in the months you have been suffering.
I am taking a herbal
parasite pill at the same time to change the flavor of my blood. Heavy on the garlic and neem. I just read an article that salt and vitamin c helps. I agree mud pastes with black salt/sulfer, Thyme powder, Neem Powder and Essential oil, Tea Tree Oil, Lavender. For a man you can try lemon basil. Oregano Oil burns my husband and I. I sit in the shower for an hour keeping the mud mix wet so that it continues to draw out and permeate the pores. Then I use a Nit comb/Flea comb and comb out my hair until there is nothing there and rinse my hair. In the beginning the creeping crawling was bothersome so I put the paste in my hair and used plastic wrap and slept with the paste in my hair for 8 hours. All the itching and crawling around stopped. It was amazing, four hours later they started to hatch again. But, it was a start. It is a process of continuing the process until it is less and less. Bought a new bed and moved the old one out of the room and that was a mistake, recontaminated myself, even though I had sprayed it with poison. Wash everything I have touched each day. I am thinking because they are so small when they hatch .1mm that they are so light they can become airborne with scratching and rubbing against furniture, the normal moving around.
Now, I am not saying it is the same thing, but that is how it started. My husband broke his back on Christmas day, 2015 and between the hospital and nursing home the rash just moved around. Thinking it was scabies I treated him with Permethrin 5% cream and he had an immediate allergic reaction to the dead bodies, not when the poison was on him but within the twelve hours following the treatment he began to swell in the arms and then the bumps opened up and started to ooze. They looked like they had been severely burned and hurt badly. Doctor gave him steroids for the itching and redness. The rash returned in other areas of the body in small patches. Tea Tree oil helped a lot but did not get rid of the problem. It has been a great trial and burden treating, cleaning and researching to help ourselves. There is no assistance from the doctor. We have a Dermatology appointment on April 7th, but after reading about what has happened to others. I can show the doctor my pictures if he wants to see them and I can take samples I have preserved in Ethyl alcohol. I will not get my hopes up. I know what it is that has attacked us and I am treating it. Luckily Ivermectin and other parasitic drugs can be purchased through Canada. The US would be wise to legalize medicines so that its society can fend for themselves when the medical field is so broken. Otherwise, you can use homeopathic and herbal tonics that do work but with diligence and perseverance and time.
Believe me when I say the information is out there. Forums, peoples personal experiences, case studies that show the weaknesses and strengths of parasites. Treatments and the doses are all there per milligram based upon Kilogram/weight. You need to believe in yourself and know that you can do this. You can heal yourself.
Here are the pictures I just uploaded from my own findings.