Hello everyone...
This is my second time here, the first time I found this forum quite confusing (still do).
Regardless, I rally need to speak to someone about what I'm encountering.
I've attached some pics of what has come out of me in just the past hour. These came from my sinus cavity. They mainly come from there, my ears, gums, or I cough them up. It's been happening well over a year.
In fact it's so common, it's not the "odd' things that have been occuring. Originally I thought my eyesight was playing tricks. Then I truly thought I had become delusional.
I don't mind telling you, the pics are tame (EXTREMELY TAME) compared to what I've really had going on.
I'm a 45 year old man, and had never fainted in my life until I witnessed some of the things my body dispersed.
I have a lot of questions and am happy to answer yours..but just want to ensure there are real people on here.
I uploaded some files on here unsure if they will be in this message. As stated, I find this forum extremely confusing to use so forgive me.
p.s. I don't have anyone I am able to talk to about this. I tried to tell my family a few months ago (wife and two teenage kids) and they became concerned i was losing my mind. Really? I guess knowing what I know now it' best they don't know. However, I really need to talk to someone as it;'s a life/death situation for me. That's real.