hi guys I have been sick for 2 years now and have done a lot of research hours and hours and hours and I believe that I got sick from the mold from my air con as I work and live in doors and have the air con on all the time. I did open up the air con and it was just full of black mold and my research always comes back to mold.
I have been to the pits of hell and back many times, I am slowly getting better tho.
I went mad buying all sorts of supplements to battle my problems but I was not getting any better I was getting worse. I only got better after STOPPING ALL pills I was taking and stating fresh. I think it was way to much for my liver as my liver emzines were very high and went back to normal after stopping all the pills.
Things that worked for me were a lot of fresh water with
Sea Salt 3-4 L a day, If I do not drink that much I will get my brain fog back and negative thoughts, so looks like a get cronic dehydration, I think I have to have that much because the mold is sucking all the water out of my body...
paleo diet no processed food worked good, my food
food intolerance is getting much better.
one other thing that helped me a lot I think was I got hemp oil and put drops in capsuls and popped them up ass 1 times a day, helped so much with brain fog and anxiety.
i did experiment with hydrogen peroxide and
Colloidal Silver (drinking) but got a very bad burning feeling in stomach just above belly botton, feels like I swallowed a burning steel coin. Could that be the mold dying? such bad pain.