You might be sensitive to the fructose in the fruit. Fructose, especially the HFC stuff tends to spike the insulin. I think the salt that follows is a means to keep the cells stable, ie; not flooded with glucose by changing the permiability. The liver has to convert the fructose to glucose for use, flood the blood, or convert it to glycogon for storage in the liver, to be used later. the liver might be over loaded with things to do, depending on other processes going on.
Are you still eating wheat?
Sugar craves went down afer I gave up wheat. I still eat some sugar, I work hard every day, 3 to 4,000 calories right now, trying to gain back lost weight. I eat very little fruit. Maybe 2 or 3 bananas per week, that is all.
Sugar needs minerals to work right.
Ketogenic diet works for people that have burned out (badly stressed) the adrenals.
I could not get enough protein from vegetables for the energy I expend every single day. So I eat 1 to 2
pounds of meat per day, potatoes, squash, vegies, and some sugar, I also supplement Vit/Min.
Minerals are needed at the cell level to utilize the glucose.
I try and drink 1 to 2 liters of distilled water every day.
Everyone is a little different in how the body works.
Figuring this out, well that is the challenge.