Low sulfur in the body is very likely to contribute to lower resistance to parasitic infestation accompanied
with dysbiosis from anaerobic (bad bacteria) that have crowded out the aerobic (good bacteria).
Sephanie Seneff has some very in depth papers she has co-authored that reveal Desufovibrio bacteria
overgrowth is a contributing factor in autism, colitis, and others.
The real catch is, Desulfovibrio metabolizes Sulfur and Nitrate/nitrite. Nitrate-nitrite-ammonia are some of the waste products of parasites, especially round worms.
The symptoms she describes overlap into many areas, many dis-eases!
Cleaning up the gut is a first step in dealing with
parasites or any disease. Like repopulating the gut with good bacteria like Bifido and Acidophilus via probiotics.
I do not think the probiotics will kill Desulfovibrio.
They might crowd them out with enough time though, maybe.
So how do one get their numbers reduced?
If one feeds them foods that contain sulfur they eat it for breakfast. (eggs, broccoli and other cruciferous vegetable)
If one feeds them food that contains
nitrates /
nitrites they have this for lunch. (processed meat)
Actually all food contains some sulfur and some naturally occurring nitrate/nitrite, I believe.
Digestion of all proteins leaves the waste product ammonia, another form of the nitrate group.
This is protein from every food we eat, meat, vegetables,
I am not sure about fat. (well there goes dinner)
So the real question is... how does one crowd out or kill the anaerobic bacteria like Desufovibrio.
I am not a big fan pharmaceuticals and
Antibiotics but...
We can be healthy only when we take in nutritious food and are able to absorb the nutrients.
I have taken a stand: It is ME or THEM.
It darn sure is NOT going to be THEM!!!
Stephanie Seneff
(open source published)
Type her name into the author box and search, scroll down to.
Is Cholesterol Sulfate Deficiency a Common Factor in Preeclampsia, Autism, and Pernicious Anemia?
pg 6
3. Gut Dysbiosis, Autism and Colitis
It is now well established that autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is associated with dysbiosis in the
gut [50], and, indeed, this is viewed by many as an important contributor to ASD [51]. An increase in
short chain fatty acids and ammonia in the gut has been found in association with autism [52,53]. Since
these are by-products of anaerobic fermentation, this suggests an overgrowth of anaerobic bacteria
such as Clostridia, Bacteriodetes, and Desulfovibrio. Clostridia have indeed been found in excess in
the feces of autistic children [54]. By-products of fermentation by anaerobes, such as phenols, amines,
ammonia, and hydrogen sulfide, can be toxic to the large bowel [1,8]. A strong link between autism
and hepatic encephalitis has been identified [55], where the key underlying pathology may be excess
ammonia in the blood stream. Ammonia plays an important role in the etiology of hepatic encephalopathy
associated with both acute and chronic liver dysfunction [56,57]. The source of the ammonia is
believed to be intestinal bacteria, including those in both the small and large intestine [58]. Impaired
liver function prevents detoxification of ammonia via the urea pathway. Thus, the increased activity of
PAL induced by glyphosate [27,28] could play a role in creating a hyperammonemic environment in
the gut and initiating subsequent pathology.
(PAL is phenylalanine ammonia lyase, an active enzyme.)
ps I posted another/different article reference in
parasites Rx
Please read her other papers.
Yes, she is out spoken on Glyphosate, I believe she is correct!