Of course you are getting bad msg alerts. I'm confronting the criminal cartel employees who've had it easy-peasy until I got here. They hate me for exposing them and the truth they're being paid to deny, so what do you think they would do? Say thanks?
I don't think you are one of them, but they've lulled you into thinking and acting like a pro bono rep with them. Getting and staying healthy isn't such a morass as these criminals are making it seem, so most real visitors here go running back to the reassurances of their doctors and their 'drugs. Or waste thousand of dollars on pharmaceutical cartel hyped supplements/etc. driven by the sales pitches here, and in every 'health' magazine. *cha-ching* The cartel owns them all, pretty much.
Back in the day there wasn't all this vacuous chit chat where some 'new' poster' talking just like one of the old 'regular' posters says 'ohhh I'm soooo sick, pleeease help me', and of course other 'helpful' employees come back with all the drugs/supplements they need to try, repeating the pattern time and time again like an assignment of an on going series of daily puppet shows. Blah. And on and on it goes, day after day.
Surely you've seen the pattern? A pattern just like that hyperinfection drama scam queen, but milder/not scamming for money personally, just for the cartel. But the CZ without all of them trying setting a new 'norm' for the 'proper' aka cartel driven approach for 'healing' may have been before the time you got here.
There was NOTHING like suggesting poisons like
Turpentine or boron or drugs. Drugs were very clearly avoided at all costs. Maybe 1 or 2 people (employees even then probably) saying it and getting ignored. Now it seems the real posters don't even dare post, because they either get attacked if they say something about how well Dr. Clark's protocol or zapper worked, or they just get flat out ignored. I've seen both happen.
It was much quieter back then too. In that respect the employees have made an improvement, but with the crap they are espousing, the end results are far worse.
And really? These 'regular' posters posting every day all day long until 'get off' time irl and how silent the CZ gets at nite and on weekends (although since I've mentioned it as one way you could tell the employees and why it got so quiet), there has been some of the 'regulars' appearing. I'm retired so I have the luxury as you do, right? But how are they affording it? Work all night and post all day? Right.
But hey, the medical industry with their fatal drugs does that kind of lying all the time. Why do you think they wouldn't be as busy here, doing the same exact profit mongering murderous thing?
But ok, I'll just leave it to the new powers that be to deal with them. An accounting is coming so it should be over soon.
Sorry but I just hate the way the lying criminals are hurting and murdering the real folks reading here, with their lies, half truths, misdirection and poisonous 'remedies. So perhaps I'm not as nice as a little proper poster should be.
And nope, not one single evil mind controlling parasite. I killed them by zapping. Yes, the one true and easy way to do so. It's universal, like pushing on the accelerator makes the car go. It's applied physics, despite what the employees desperately want you to believe. I've driven the deparasiting car with great success, as have a number of my friends and sweetie.
So what you're seeing here is pure unadulterated outrage and willingness to confront said criminals.
And the 'elites' were happy to give people more reasons/excuses to never grow up. Blame it on the
parasites that you can't control yourself or your emotions. Sure, there's no such thing as growing up. It's natural to act like a underdeveloped, idiotic teenager your whole life. Right.
And sorry, but you can't fix emotional dysfunction with a frequency any more than you can fix a flat tire.