Since I have been diagnosed with H. Pylori, I wanted to share results of therapy.
Used high dose Flagyl (500mg) 10 days. It resolved gastritis, and some other symptoms, but did not eradicate amoebiasis.
The primary
parasite is quite in tact (unknown plasmodium amoebae)
Moving on to chitinase therapy --using high concentrations of the enzyme which breaks down chitin (the envelope containing fungal spores, other spores, yeasts etc.,) This produced little notable results.
Next step---reduce the chemical environment or the causative factors produced by amoebic cysts, and mature sarcodinas.
Agent: blue green algae (chlorella)
So far notice positive effectiveness, although high dosing.
Leads to lateral strategy---target amoebic toxins, not the organism.
Will have to review nitrate\nitrite chelating compounds.