I have no idea if they are parasites.
It's a long story but I really need to know if anyone here knows if fungal infection, bacterial infection move like parasites?
My cyst suddenly grew rapidly, suspected for neoplasm dr thought it was suspected of it bc of the infection (turned into a sabaceous cyst ) which could be true. I didn't get it ruled out. This movement started after it was drained and worsened after tooth extraction. Cyst has not grown again.
Can someone please help me understand what might be going on and if this sounds like a malignancy or
parasites or an infection? I'm not running a fever. I have been eating garlic and peppers but will increase it. I usually spray essential oils on my body and head, and rub it on my face.
Movement in my entire head, nose,face, back of my head/neck. Feeling of numbness and some heaviness in my entire, head and neck sides of face. Also had itching all over body had that under control now it's just these symptoms that are back.
I've been very forgetful. I took dewormer and it worsened all the symptoms of movement. I also noticed that after taking it if I rub my skin it stays red for a while. If I scratch it I continue to feel the sections where I scratched it. Like if my skin is too sensitive.
Im struggling with my bowels badly! Many days of no bm. Finally got to go today but still concerned I won't be able to go again.
Sorry for adding unrelated stuff to the subject.
I don't own a zapper. Dh bought a kit to try and make me one but it wasn't an actual zapper kit. I think I read that we,can't zap our head.
I'm going to use ozone ear insufflations again and see if it helps. It would be nice to know if ozone helps kill parasites.
I'm not sure why this happened. After drinking a small amount of ozonated water my entire face started twitching for at least an hour. I will probably ask the forum on ozone therapy about this? If they have any idea why this would happen.
Thank you for any help with this!