We both are back from our holidays, we must love this forum. My family is waiting for me to watch a movie, so I must do this rather quickly.
You are doing so well. About out of breath, I have not ever experienced that because i guess I have been fasting for a looooong time. But intuition tells me that deep breathing before any activity helps, warm water helps, slow movement helps, and resting between activities is a well known fact and applies to when we are not fasting as well.
Do you know what Kapalbhatti is? I do not know if this will help, but it is worth a try. YouTube Kapalbhatti by Baba Ramdev and see if you can practice this twice a day. Start very slow and small sessions, say five minutes and then for a longer time. When I attended Baba Ramdev's camp in NJ, that is the first thing he taught us and we all had lost weight in one and half hour of doing this breathing technique.
Memory foam pillows can help you setting your position in bed by putting under body parts that need it.