That is the problem with you guys, the FDA reported that many producers of Colloidal Silver had no silver at all.
Another lie? Prove it. Post a link. The FDA report I have seen written in 1999 was against all products with silver, yours included.
The Link has been posted already, read the other posts.
Doesn't surprise anybody that you can't read. The FDA didn't say that, they ask for comments which some yahoo said it as a comment, A personal opinion.
LOL! If anyone is lying is you, you have already admitted in your previous posts that your company does not need to do Certificate of Analysis because you sell kits, and you do not sell the Colloidal Silver .
Before, you said that you did not sell anything nor represented any company. Who is the liar now?
Prove it. Post a link where I said I sell kits.
Come back when you want to make an a$$ of yourself again
RE: Wrong! It means you have a chemicalss with nanoparticles.
Actually this isn't necessarily true. ie, many people, including myself make colloidal silver solutions using nothing more than distilled water and ultra pure silver(99999) that can be processed to the point of color change. Granted at some point, measures must be taken so that the solution can be stabilized(none-chemical based), though it remains that the particle suspension can and will remain in suspension for what appears to be indefinitely.
Therefore, I don't think it's appropriate to argue that all color implies the use of chemicals. Unless of course, you're using the term in it's abstract form(chemically). Which would likely cause more confusion than not.
RE: Either it's massive ignorance by the "experts" on this forum or total disinformation to mislead the consumer?
While it is true that numerous people resort to the use of additives and/or chemicals in their solutions, I'd add that general consensus on the forums is the production of silver solutions using only pure distilled water and silver.
In returning to your initial statement, I'd add that the issue of particles falling out of suspension(dropping out or plating) revolves around the inherent saturation levels of the solution in question. And while it is true that particles of a certain size(200nm and above ) won't likely remain in suspension, I'd add that these are usually found in what we'd call severly overcooked solutions and/or solutions that have been altered with the use of additives so as to allow for higher ppm's.
However, I'd also add that if and when we process these pure solutions within the threshold of the saturation limits, it becomes possible to make amber colored solutions without any stability issues.
PS. most all solutions made at home using the LVDC processing methods result in combination solutions(ionic/nanoparticle) without the use of additives and ranging at /or around the 20ppm mark. Whereas anything more(saturation), requires the use of additives or specigic processing measures so stabilize.
Hope this helps
RE: yes I admit, you add no chemicals, but yet chemicals are present why?
In Chemistry, terms such chemicals implies anything pertaining to change as a result of a process(or reaction). However it isn't common to identify the substance of chemical reactions as chemicals with the identification of elemental compounds. Such as; silver oxides or silver chloride etc.
That being said, in the LVDC electrolytic process, the chemical process reducing atoms into elemental compounds(particles) takes place in the boundary layers of the anode and cathode respectively. Of which the anode which produces oxygen oxidizes the silver atoms and whereas the cathode which produces hydrogen reduces the silver atoms into silver nanoparticles. Therefore, the moment the silver atoms are liberated from the anode following the electron exchange, many of them will be converted to silver oxide(compound). Whereas those that make it within the cathod boundary layer are reduced into elemental silver particles(otherwise known as nanoparticles). A process that is often improved with the use of stirring(vortext).
Having said that, these are the accountable chemical elements that make-up the electrolytic process of LVDC colloidal silver production using distilled water, pure silver and DC current. In continuing, I'd add that the potential for a single silver particle produced by reduction using this method, results in the smallest theoretical particle size possible.
RE: The only thing I can conclude is that the LVDC CS generator is drawing them from contaminants in the air. if the-the unit is in an enclosed chamber, the air in the enclosed chamber (which may be contaminated with airborne pollutants)may be helping in generating the spark need to break down the nanoparticles and ions in the solution.
The problem with this theory is where the natural properties of air and water are a) none interchangeable and b) where the electrolysis process is an outward reaction. And so unless the air is somehow diffused and passed through the solution, there simply is no potential for it to break the surface tension and contaminate the solution under normal conditions.
RE: Still it would be great to get a certificate of analysis for your end product produced by your kit. (From and independent well-recognized testing facility).
I agree actually and I may follow-up on this in the near future for nothing more than for the sake of knowledge. Though I must add, that I couldn't call my CS generator a kit, given that I built it from scratch and that it looks just as bad as it sounds. That said, I have however gone through great lengths to get an accurate measure of the total silver in my own solutions by way of weight differentiation(anode) in conjuection with the calculation of time using the current and the coulombs of charge. Which seems to consistently hover at/or around 27ppm for my hybrid solution(superheated & rapid cooled) and 19 ppm for the conventional stuff. To which I'd add, I've had very good success with to date.
RE: Scientist know beyond a shadow of a doubt that when there are there is a color in the solution, it means it has gone through some chemical process.
This is true in fact, and in this case(without additives) the chemical process is electrolysis.
RE: While the LVDC CS is a better process from what other kit sellers market, it still produces nanoparticles, Ions, and chemicals
The discrepancy here is that you've separated the nanoparticles with the chemicals. When in truth, the nanoparticles are silver compounds. And so, the propper terminology here would be: Silver ions and nanoparticles. As the admission of chemicals implies a third substance, which simply isn't accurate.
RE: Highly Reactive - So the solution is producing Hydrogen Peroxide? And not nitrogen? Well, that explains everything!
I've heard of mixing hydrogen peroxide with colloidal silver solutions in the past, though I personally wouldn't recommend it.
That said, the author isn't saying he produced hydrogen peroxide with colloidal silver, but rather, where he mixed the two together as a concoction to cure an ear infection as shown here:
RE: The colors in the LVDC CS is Hydrogen Peroxide!
Actually and you may find this to be of interest, the admission of hydrogen peroxide(drops) in Colloidal Silver will turn it clear when colored. (car to guess why?)
RE: Do you still insist on misleading the readers into thinking that colors in the solution are the result of particle size?
I think this view would depend on several factors such as; whether or not you have a basic understanding of chemistry and more importantly whether you are properly disposed to interpret literary information(reading).
RE; Atomic Particle Colloidal Silver is the better choice between the two: For one, it has 500 to 19,999 PPM, it can even go further than that, but I am not aware of any instruments that measure about 19,999.
I can see where you'd think that. However, since we have no valid scientific method from which to conclude atomic particle silver solutions to be plausible, coupled with invalid reports and 3'rd party testing showing these to be false, then my guess is that such claims won't likely ever get off the ground for all but those lacking the knowledge to know better(victims).
As for the PPM rating let us take a moment to consider the absurdity of the claim:
Since we know that 1 PPM = 1 mg of elemental silver per Liter of solution.
We also know that 1000 PPM = 1 gram of silver per Liter.
Which therefore means that a 20 000 PPM solution would contain 20 grams of silver
Now I'm going to break out of character for a moment and ask if you've ever held 20 grams of silver in your hand?
And while I realize you may not have a firm grasp on basic chemistry or even the process in which CS is made, I'd ask that you try and imagine what the dissolution rate of silver would be in order to realize such a solution? That is to say, what 20 grams of silver disolved looks like both during and after processing.
But it goes much further than this. The fact is, that under the perceived circumstances, we could easily substantiate this claim by evaporating said 20 000 PPM solution to effectively result in (give /or take) 20 grams of silver when all is said and done - care to try?
The truth is, that there is no supporting evidence whatsoever(0) that these concentrations are either valid or even plausible under the current set of standards. And while industries(precious metals etc) have been dissolving metals into solution with far higher concentrations for centuries, I'd add that such processes make extensive use of chemicals(acids etc) and that the solutions are nowhere near being clear. In fact, the propper terminology here is pure toxic.
And so, as you can imagine, claims such as these will likely only seem feasible for those who simply don't know better.
Whereas anyone with a capacity to read or experience for themselves what the process of electrolysis looks like, won't likely ever fall prey to such things. (sorry to say)
RE: Made with Pure Distilled Water the End Product Result: A CLEAR Colorless solution that has the same consistency of water which also means no chemicals are present (you can download a certificate of analysis from ALS Environmental that shows NO chemicals in the report from the GoldenGevity website).
You must have missed my comment on this, but there was chemical analysis or measure of metals on the report I reviewed for this product. - or did I miss something?
RE: Then you have the particles size to consider, atomic size particles are tens of thousands of (if not hundreds of thousands) smaller than nanoparticles, the will slide right into a virus. That cannot be said of nanoparticles.
While I agree on the size of a silver atoms and the perceived surface area potential in vivo, I'd also add that neither you or the website selling these products have yet to demonstrate that are indeed what they are claimed to be. Which again, implies that these are merely falsely labled solutions as a result of a lack of understanding toward matters.
RE: Can anyone guarantee that there are no chemicals in the LVDC CS?
Absolutely. In fact, that is the main advantage of making your own CS at home.
That is to know exactly what's in the solution(composition). And so people such as myself, can most certainly state with confidence that there are no additives or chemicals in their solutions as a result of that.
RE: Looking over the LVDC CS kits sellers none guarantee that the end product does not contain chemicals.
I wouldn't know, though I see no need to defend other peoples products personally.
RE: You are saying that the Worlds Largest environmental Testing facility is going to purposefully give False Information? How Preposterous! NO way they are going to risk their name and integrity of their results for any a small company.
Absolute not. What I am saying however is that the COA does not provide any form of content analysis or measure of silver in solution(0). That said, I'd also add that the report actually works against the product claims in that there was no discernable metals measured in solution whatsoever, and where this is being misrepresented by yourself in the forums as a proof of content for the product in question.
RE: That only applies to micrograms, and arriving at a high PPM colloidal solutions is a different process.
RE: You said it “CURRENT SET OF STANDARDS” that only apply to ionc and nanoparticle technology.
I have no idea what you're trying to say here, but since a PPM is a standard, we don't get to appeal to alternate definitions irregardless of processing.
RE: You have to remember to make Ions or a couple to time larger than atoms, to make silver ions you have to use a chemical process, which is done with nanoparticle production, because when they break down the silver into nanoparticles there are also Ions that are produced along with the nanoparticles, and I would almost bet, that there are also single atomic particle that did not convert to ion in the solution.
I'm sorry to say this, but I can't make any sense of what you're trying to say here.
RE: Not to sound repetitive but for the sake of the readers who do not go through every post, The RICE University Concluded that there are silver IONS in nanoparticle Colloidal Silver solutions….and they are what kills the viruses and bacteria and NOT the nanoparticles.
This makes perfect sense, as silver nanoparticles work by ionic exchange. Which is why effectiveness is tied-in so closely with the total particle surface area.
RE: They were not supposed to be possible, but now they are a reality.
Reality implies verified proof. To which I'd add where does this leave us?
The reality is, that none of these types of solutions have been demonstrated to be true on any scale whatsoever. ie, silver content, chemistry, etc etc.
RE: You and others can remain in constant DENIAL, no problem its to your best interests that you do I understand that.
That doesn't work for me I'm afraid.
My interests lay in the science and verification of the claims irregardless of the outcome.
Though without any form of validation or theoretical framework, I see no potential for plausibility whatsoever in the veritability for these solutions. Which isn't saying much as these do not conform to any scientific methods. Which in turn, degenerates the claims even further. - and so the reality of the situation isn't good at all I'm afraid.
RE: Oh, I agree chemically made colloidal silver solutions are TOXIC, the higher the PPM with chemicals the more toxic, it’s the chemicals that makes the solutions toxic.
This doesn't help your credibility at all at this stage.
RE: Good Claims with a solid Certificate of Analysis that proves PPM and shows no toxicity. Which is why Dr. Dickens (who also tested the atomic particle colloidal silver) did not find any chemicals and is now using them to treat his cancer patients.
Since the COA does nothing to substantiate the claims made by yourself and/or seller, we're left with less than hearsay toward matters. Couple this with the recent measure of other monatomic silver solutions, and all things come into perspective accordingly. And while this may frustrate you(I'm sure), I'd add that these are the standing facts toward matters whether we like them or not.
Hi grizz
I'd be more than happy to share that information with you. In my own case, I use Current Regulating Diodes such as the one shown bellow to control the amount of current going through my circuits. As they are very easy to use and make quick work of meeting the target current(amperage) needed for a particular setup:
As for the circuit, the following simple diagram illustrates how these are wired into the circuit:
RE: Also which DC voltage do you consider optimal?
I've followed the going standard of 30v DC for most all of my own CS processing setups with very good success. That said, there is much to glean from the effects of voltage with respect to colloidal silver production. Such as; the dynamics of the voltage(effects) and current and its effects on processing. Though I'd add that such discussions albeit interesting, usually fall under the more advanced stages of CS productions methods.
Hope this helps
Hi Grizz,
The rule of thumb is to apply 1 mAh of current for every square inch of total surface area of the anode in solution(wetted).
However, since this was formed to be overly conservative(safe), I prefer to keep things simple for all basic CS generator circuits such as those using two 12 or 14 gauge wires in a glass by using .5 mAh's current regulating diodes. And reserving the calculations for heavier applications.
That said, any J503 Series Diode should suffice, and can be found at most electronic shops for a fair price(example only):
However, you can easily find single or small batches(5 or 10) of them on eBay at a descene price if you shop around a bit. As some sellers tend to grossely inflate the cost and where they likely only payed pennies per/pc in bulk. :/
A note on Current Regulating Diodes:
These particular types of Current Regulator Diodes can be had ranging from 0.24 mA through 4.7 mA with a 20% tolerance, and can easilly be paired-up to reach much higher currents with ease. ie, I currently run a circuit capable of 32 mAh using several 4.7 mAh diodes paired up together.
You can also reach a specific current rating by mix matching several diodes together. ie, 1 x 4.7 along with 2 x .24 mAh's type of thing. And so they are very flexible.
Hope this helps,
And if you have any other questions or would like to see more diagrams etc, please don't hesitate to ask. :)
Its in their report:
Well you did come back, and you did make an a$$ of yourself. The FDA didn't say that.
Public Comments and the Agency's Response
A. General Comments
2. One comment expressed concern that many different silver
products being marketed are inferior products and are not even true
colloids. Another comment stated that the vast majority of silver
products being sold are fraudulent products. The comment noted that it
had tested a number of these products and found that several actually
had no silver content,
Here is your indirect admission "We don't sell it, so there isn't any reason to get it analyzed/certified. If what we make [without chemicals] works, why buy it from somebody else."
Hey numb nuts, Where does it say anything about we except when reffering to friends and family that I was talking about.
The sad part is that you are so dense that you don't realize that all the lies you tell, and misdirection in your answers reflect on your product. They are connected. If your product was the best in the world, I wouldn't buy because I would think your unethical way would be translated into your product. I couldn't trust it.
Hello brendandrsn and welcome to the forum :)
While I'd be the first to admit, that the current disposition toward monatomic silver products may appear rather dismal in the forums and beyond. I'd also add that none of this should affect your capacity to either; purchase or use the products yourself.
That said, the unfortunate truth with the ongoing verification regarding these so-called monatomic silver solutions is rather dismal to say the least. And to help illustrate, here's a quick list to summarize the current state of things toward matters:
Now to bring you up to speed on matters, one needs to understand the history of this seller and his products on throughout the years on the forums. ie, Several years ago, these so called monatomic silver solutions came onto the scene and into the forums in what I'd call its infancy. That is to say, that the claims and science used to justify them appeared to be so horribly thought-out, that even the least astute high school student could discern them. Which resulted in the product being met with ridicule.
These visits went on for several years, as each passing year marked a visit from a new member sporting a new name and selling the very same products(website, product, different label). And where each iteration showed adaptations pertinent to the last. That is to say, that the seller was adapting his product marketing based on the last, so as to refine his presentation.
The problem with this however, is where no matter how polished or evolved the claims and marketing became. That the very same fundamental issues indicated in the list above remained. And so unless someone were completely oblivious to the facts, I see no way in which these products could ever result in being anything but a scam for those buying it. And while recent testing showed that these solutions certainly contain fractions of silver in them. It remains, that the amounts were so minute, that they made the product all but negligible. ie, what was labeled 40000 ppm was actually .3 ppm. And more importantly... how terribly overpriced these solutions were with respect to the actual amounts of silver in them.
In the end, I think we can all agree that having access to the truth on matters is a privilege. And that any company or product that takes the initiative to conceal the truth is not deserving of our trust and money. - my two cents
Hope this helps and welcome to the forums once again. :)
PS. You can build your own Colloidal Silver generator and make CS solutions for pennies per gallon. And that's what these forums are all about imo. :)