Congratulations on the successful flush!
I am getting ready to do another flush in a few days. I'm not sure what to eat on
Liver-Flush day. I don't know if i can handle even a day-long fast, but i know that eating a full meal on flush day does not work for me. Do you know of any juices that will definitely not interfere with the evening flush? Cucumber and
Celery seem to be ok.
I have been drinking the turmeric every night as you suggested, for over two weeks, and having about a half-cup of ACV over the course of the day for a week (watered down).
Do you have any suggestions concerning how many days to go without fat/protein prior to a flush? I am a little confused about how exactly the flush works, I think. The whole point is to save up bile for the Flush, right? I read somewhere (it might have been here on Curezone but I have lost track of the bookmark) that raw food uses more bile to digest than cooked...but I have also read we are also supposed to eat more raw the week prior to the flush...this is also confusing!
Anyhow, best wishes for your fast! :)