A couple of years ago I did biweekly flushes for about 6 months and got out over 2000 gallstones, then they seemed to have run out. I also did a
parasite cleanse before then.
I felt I was taking care of things thereafter. I used
Black-Walnut and diatomaceous earth as a
parasite maintenance program, daily. I used Stone Free daily which has many great reviews on Amazon saying it is great for
Gallstones and kidney stones. But then I started have gallstone symptoms again, like right back and right arm pain and occasional small pains under my right ribs. The Stone Free initially made such pains go away. Then it seemed to stop working for that.
I did a liver flush. It was hard to tell but maybe just a few tan stones came out. I was surprised, shocked really, at a whole bunch of liver flukes that came out, though! Could it be that the pain was being caused by the liver flukes and not gallstones? Could it be that Stone Free had taken care of the stones, but that my gall bladder has been filled up too much with liver flukes and that they were the cause of the pains? (The pain seems better so far, but is not all gone. I will go on with biweekly flushes.)