Well it depends on the rest of your diet and lifestyle. If you are eating a lot of food that
parasites / bad bacteria will feed on such as refined
Sugar and carbohydrates, the probiotics aren't going to be making much of a difference. It also depends what kind of probiotic you are taking. I would suggest taking at least 50 billion per day.
Possible suggestions:
1) Eat a diet consisting of mainly vegetables, small portions of fruit, fresh organic meat, healthy oils such as olive oil and coconut oil.
2) Abstain from refined
Sugar & carbs, bread, processed food, in-organic meat and produce & bad oils.
3) Take supplements such as, vit C, Vit D, milk thistle, NAC, krill oil, & glutamine. These will help support your immune system and detoxifcation.
parasites and yeast, for me I have found
Bentonite clay, fresh garlic cloves, raw onions, wormwodd, black whalnut, clove and candex to be most effective. But again your diet must be good with this to.
3)Reduce your toxic load- use only natural costmetics & drink non flouridated water.
Hope this helped this helped...