parasite killings with herbs and food do react to worms in legs. I can tell you this because I cut up an entire pineapple in water and put it in the blender today. The worms in my legs stomach head etc. are now currently crawling and wiggling around, due to the reaction of the high enzyme fruit, enzymes disturb and cant tolerate enzymes. they are even crawling in my breasts and the side of my head and my face.
So yeah your body is interconnected and whatever is in your stomach permeates throughout your body.
BTW meds don't work. I tried high does of horse ivermectic paste, it's total Bullshit.
These worms are of a satanic race, and I do believe they are of synthetic makeup, not 100% natural. Synthetic won't kill synthetic, and I know this sounds out there but i presume, that the medical industry cannot be able to help you kill off synthetic worms, not only do they not understand how to kill them, they were programmed in med school that only worms are in impoverished underdeveloped countries, and
Antibiotics kill your good bacteria anyway, worms survive when your good bacteria is dead.