Hi I am about fed up with everything. I have quit my meds (yes I know bipolars do this) but the point is it is my choice. Sorry to sound so angry but I get tired of hearing that....lol
Ok anyways my story is this I am 28 I have been diagnosed bipolar, PTSD for around 8 years now. I have been on every med possibly except prozac here is a brief list of meds and how I did on them..
Paxil 1999 Did good for a year, then pooped out..tried to go back on it and went sucidal.
Zoloft...made me manic
Serzone...made me sick in all ways
Luvox..made me hallucinate and other self destructive behaviours
Effexor..raised BP
Celexa...did good for a year and then pooped
Lexapro...made me nauseaus and I didnt want to eat
Wellbutrin..did good until I quit the med after I miscarried tried it again and had heart palpitations, shakes etc..
Remeron...made me fat and tired, raised my cholosteral/triglicerides
Trazadone...helped me sleep but wasnt enough for antidepressent effect
Those are just the antidepressents...
Moodstabilizers and Antipsychotics
Lithium.......AWFUL!! Need I say more...Tremors, Shakes, Diarhea and so on..NUMB..Weight Gain
Depakote...about the same....made me throw up often..Weight Gain
Neurontin..I couldnt walk, gained weight and slept too much.
Zyprexa...Here is the whopper one...40 pound weight gain...slept 16 hours a day
Seroquel..I liked this one and I still take it but causes some weight gain, raises blood sugar.......and I am pre-diabetic.
Trileptal..not bad but didnt control the mood swings to well...(similar to Tegretol)
Risperdal...made my heart race..and all of the above symptoms
And must not forget the Addictive Benzodiazepines..!
Ativan...Was addicted to this and very hard to get off of.
Klonopin...this helped but again was very addictive and I became tolerant to the med.
Vistaril...(not a benzo) helped with Anxiety of course I was so sleepy I couldnt be anxious
Restoril..took occassional for sleep I became so tolerant I could take 4 pills and it would not knock me out..
I am sure there are some meds I forgot but this is the majority of them......
So far this is my plan...
Last 2 year I had intense psychotherapy which helped a great deal..but I cannot afford it right now.
Currently I am doing Colonix to clean out my Colon.
Next I am going to do a few liver flushes
Clean out my kidneys, blood and lymph system.
Start Candida Diet which I am sure I have according to spit test and symtpoms
Take Pharmacutical Grade Omega 3 Fatty Acids.
Get on correct vitamin/mineral regimen...(which I am going to be tested tomorrow morning)
Test for heavy metals...
Repeat all above steps until Symptoms Gone.....
If anyone one else has any suggestions on what worked for them please let me know. I am currently battling alot of Anger..and mood swings. I get more on the dysporic side meaning I do not have the Good Happy Mania...It is the Aggresive, and Angry Kind. Mixed in with Depression. I swing back and forth daily. I have a psychiatrist but he only believes in Pharmacuticals. I cannot work and have not worked in 4 years since I became disabled. I feel very ToXIC from all of the meds I have taken in the past and no One Believes Me. I have musical hallucinations and racing thoughts every since I started on these meds. I had 3 past suicide attempts which I am sure the pills I took did not help my system. No I am not Suicidal anymore. The therapy helped with that very much. I want to get better. Get on with my life. I had a miscarriage back in March and I want to feel better so I can get pregnant again and my husband and I can start our life together.
I forgot to mention......between these meds, the stress...etc...my endocrine system is screwed up ( I am assuming that is why I miscarried)..I am taking 1/2 grain of Armour and supplements for my Adrenals as well. So far I have not felt any better but it has only been a couple of weeks. I am also sure I have low progesterone and Estrogen Dominance due to the fact of being near PCOS which my obgyn tested for.
Anyways I am screwed up and I want to get back into balance without going too broke...Everything is so expensive and everyone says this cures...I am just curious to know what has worked for any of you..
Sorry this is so Long.....Thanks for Listening..