I have/had what I first thought was bird mites, now think is Springtails.
I recently bought a bottle of spirit gum turps and started painting it on my skin twice a day.
I am only infested in my feet now. It takes the dead layer off and revealed a sore/nest I did not know was there.
I am painting it on twice a day and have taken three doses of one teaspoon on 3
Sugar cubes.
My reasoning for doing so is that it is clearing up my feet really quickly. The sores and the scarring.
I also feel it may help with systemic biofilm and help if there is any fungus present on and in my body.
So, it is a three pronged reasoning for taking it and also using it topically.
I am not convinced of the fungal element, but i don't want to risk ever getting a skin
parasite again.
I just thought I would throw this into the options as others maybe interested in trying taking the gum turps. I cleaned out the bowel first with castor oil and a small "cake' ,made of natural psyllium fibre stuck together with egg white and baked.
I am experimenting with slowly squirting a diluted mix into my sinuses as I am convinced there is a gunk covered colony left up there. I get a disgusting smell up there intermittently.
Please note well" Do not use this product willy nilly if you decide to try it. I put one drop in my ear canal and it was very scary and painful. A foolish thing to do in my desperation.