Are you familiar with Excalibur food dehydrator?
Yes, I have a 5 tray model. Should have gotten the 9 tray.
In order to not eliminate the enzymes in the food it is reccommended not to go above 115, so there isn't enough heat to produce any problems from any plastic.
If you're worried about the trays, you could put down parchment paper like cooks do when they want to protect the food from touching tin foil.
If your looking for something to worry about, the way the US, and China are using their space weapons, there is a way to shut down the power grid with EMF so your electric appliances wouldn't work altogether. Just kidding. I don't actually think that's a worry.
I like mine. I make Almond milk frequently, and the ground up almonds can be dried in the DH, then ground fine for almond flour for example.
They do take up counter space, something I don't have to much of.