Please help me...
if you have a success story using Rife to help you with
Chronic-Fatigue-Syndrome or any other chronic condition, please read this and tell me if this is accurate information.
The world of Rife is overwhelming and confusing.
I am looking for direction and I think this lady's blog post is a good place to start a meaningful discussion on Rife.
I am putting up this blog so people who are sick will know there is an answer for their health problems, no matter what the doctors say. I had so much Candida that even the alternative doctors said there was nothing they could do, that as a result of all the toxins leaking into my blood through the holes the Candida made in my intestines I would get Cancer and die. The regular medical doctors told me I had a 50% chance of living after they took out my gallbladder (
Gallstones are caused by
parasites in the liver and when they get stuck in the gallbladder they calcify and continuously cut the inside of the gallbladder causing infections) but that there was nothing they could do to help me and to go away and stop bothering them.
The cause of most diseases or sickness, including 80% to 90% of heart disease, is bacteria, virus,
parasites or an overgrowth of Candida/fungus. It is the fungus and
parasites which create the environment that allows the other kinds of pathogens to come in and flourish. Even if pathogens have not been the cause of your illness, if they have moved into your body as a result of
Antibiotics , drugs, eating too much
Sugar and carbs, or any of the other things which weaken immune systems, you will never heal yourself of anything unless you get rid of them first. This is because they are eating you and your nutrition and putting out more toxins from their own metabolic processes than your body can get rid of. It is toxins which kill us. Lessen your load of toxins and you will have more energy. The way to kill all of your pathogens is the Rife Machine. This blog will tell you in detail how to use a Rife Machine correctly.
parasite cleanses using
Black-Walnut ,
Wormwood and Cloves are only strong enough to do anything to the parasites in the gastro-intestinal tract. Even in the gastro-intestinal tract many of the parasites move away from the poison to the joints where there is less blood flow and wait until the coast is clear to return to the gastro-intestinal tract. Herbal
parasite cleanses just will not kill all the parasites in your body, and if any are left alive anywhere they will just multiply and re-establish themselves in the places that they were cleared out of. Once Candida has become systemic, meaning it has punched holes in your intestinal walls which is allowing fecal matter to leak directly into your blood, diets restricting sugar, carbs and fermented foods, Nystatin, probiotics and grapefruit seed oil will not kill the overgrowth of Candida because none of these can penetrate the intestinal lining in a strong enough amount or dosage to be able to kill the roots implanted there. Nothing you take orally can kill systemic Candida.
The Rife machine works by introducing frequencies into the body which correspond to the frequencies of the pathogens. These increase the vibration of the skin of the pathogens, just as you would pluck a guitar string, resulting in the skins breaking and the pathogens inner fluids leaking out. Whereas our cells have two layers of tightly packed fat cells around them, the skin of the pathogens are one cell thick and loosely attached together so it is easy to rupture. If you want to see a picture of this happening under a microscope go to website. Our own cells are not effected or damaged unless you treat yourself for longer than an hour. Rife machines have sound at the same frequencies as the electricity. While electricity cannot penetrate our cells, sound can. So the electricity rides piggyback on the sound and is carried into the cells to kill whatever pathogens are there, such as the Cancer and AIDs virus.
For the first year I had a Rife machine I used the lists of frequencies available on the internet, including the ten frequencies above and ten frequencies below the recommended frequencies. I did not feel any better. Then I got an deep cut in my leg which became infected. Although I took penicillin it was still infected a month later. All this time I was treating it with the recommended frequencies from the internet in the above protocol with a pad on each side of the infected cut. Then I remembered the woman from Abbotsford who was using muscle testing to find the frequencies of the pathogens. Since I had already taken all the advanced courses in muscle testing, I muscle tested for the frequencies of the bacteria in my leg infection. I treated myself with these frequencies and in one day the infection was gone.
Then I muscle tested for every type of pathogen that was on the internet lists to see if I had it, and for the ones I found I had, I muscle tested for their frequencies. I found that I had some kind of pathogen somewhere in my body on every number from 1,100 to 200, then a gap in the 100’s, then again solid from 100 to 3. I also tested my muscles to see if I had any pathogens there and found that I had both fungus and bacteria in them. When you have pathogens in your muscles the medical establishment calls it Fibromyalgia, and my muscles were hard and hurt. When you have a lot of pathogens everywhere in your body it is called Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.
When I started to treat other people I found that all types of pathogens have 3 to 4 hundred frequencies in a solid block with no breaks and also have additional frequencies scattered anywhere from 2,500 to 3 Mhz. If you look at the recommended frequencies in the lists on the internet and add in the ten up and ten down frequencies, you will find that there are always gaps in the numbers. So if you follow those lists you are bound to miss a lot of the pathogens. They found those frequencies by killing a few pathogens outside of a body in a controlled medium then assumed that all the pathogens of that type would have the same frequencies everywhere and in everybody. But there are many kinds of toxins and every one’s internal environment is different. Because all life must adapt and therefore change according to the environment they must survive in, the frequencies of the same pathogen will be different in different people.
Since all cells, hormones, food, etc. have antigens or flags on their surfaces to identify them and make them recognizable to the body, virus and bacteria hide from the immune system by making their antigens look very similar to the antigens of hormones or food. Moreover, the virus can temporarily inactivate killer immune cells. But, once a pathogen has been killed by the Rife Machine, the immune system recognizes the antigens on dead pathogens as identifying an unwanted life form and creates T-cells and B-cells to kill all the other pathogens with those antigens.
Pathogens change their frequencies to avoid the electricity. So as you are going down through the numbers from the highest one you have to the lowest one, as the pathogens feel the electricity approaching they can flip up above the frequency you are doing, however usually they flip downwards. Since I found that pathogens always die quickly with none being able to flip their frequencies to get away on the numbers between 350 and 3, (except for one or two which always seem to flip up to either 10&11 or 25&26) the idea is to corral them down into these more powerful killing frequencies. If you treat from the highest number to the lowest you will get the largest number of flippers. If you can muscle test, do so after each treatment to find the pathogens that have flipped their frequencies upwards and kill these ones immediately or wait until the beginning of your next treatment to clean them up. If you cannot muscle test, do everything twice. So if you did 1500 to 1400 in day one of treatments, either repeat those numbers immediately, or do them at the beginning of your next treatment. If you were going to wait to do the repeating then in treatment two you do 1500 to 1300, in treatment three you do 1400 to 1200…..etc. The last treatment you repeat the numbers immediately instead of waiting to do the repeat.
Another reason to start treating at the highest number you have and work downwards is that most of the pathogens are on the numbers between 900 and 200 and 100 and 3. So in the higher numbers your initial die off will be small. This is good for two reasons. Your immune system will have enough energy available for its use to be able to make T cells and B cells to go out and kill all similar pathogens whereas too big of a kill takes all the energy of the body to deal with it. And 50% off all pathogens killed are killed by immune system, only 50% are actually killed by the rife machine. Also you will not have a big herx with the killing of the small number of pathogens that are on the higher frequencies. Any tiredness will just be from your immune system working in the same way as it would if you caught a cold and is quickly dealt with by drinking lots of water and taking a nap. All tiredness will pass in a few hours if you do this. Big herxs scare people and they may stop giving themselves treatments. Jumping into and treating the frequency numbers where the bulk of the pathogens are will cause a big die off and a big herx.
The first Rife treatment you do should be only 10 to 20 minutes (if you are really sick start with 5 minutes) because only a small number of dead or wounded pathogens is needed to alert the immune system to create the T-cells and B-cells required to clean up the larger kills in the following treatments. Too great a kill on the first day will make the detox systems of the body have to work too hard and rob the immune system of needed energy to complete its work of making the T-cells and B-cells. The protocol of doing treatments every 3rd or 4th day is recommended so that a person has one day after a treatment to get through any detox reactions and then one or two days to feel the increase of energy that results from getting rid of some of the pathogens and to do what they have to for their day-to-day survival.
Although you could treat for the virus, candida/fungus and bacteria every day, parasites and spirochetes reproduce with eggs and so shed their eggs when they die. These eggs must have at least a day, and 2 or 3 days is better, with no treatments so the eggs feel it is safe to hatch. Parasites eggs will be hatched by the 3rd day. They will be mature enough to have eggs within their bodies by the fifth day. So you have to treat and kill the newly hatched parasites before they get mature enough to have eggs in their bodies, that means on the 3rd or 4th day. Lyme eggs are hatched and have eggs in their bodies by the morning of the 3rd day, so for Lyme you have to do treatments every second day.
Very few people completely clear their liver, kidneys, adrenals, stomach or pancreas from the feet so it is necessary to treat these organs individually by putting pads on the front and back of the body over the organ you are treating. After you have done your teeth and ears if necessary, always end by treating your brain as many pathogens run there for safety. Do this by putting the pads in the hollow below and behind your ears, and keep the current low, even if using the GB4000 in RF mode which you can’t feel. If you get a headache you know you had the current too high.
Herpes and Lyme create reservoirs or nests on the nerves protected by bio-film made of mucus so that neither the immune system nor any rife machine can get to the pathogens inside these nests. If you have parasites they too can be in this biofilm, layered with the Lyme and Herpes and many other kinds of virus. In fact many doctors are now saying that many kinds of bacteria and virus have biofilm protected nests. To break the bio-film down so that the Rife machine and your immune system can get at the pathogens inside the nests you can use the essential oil of Cinnamon from Sri Lanka which Young Living Oils sell, or the oil of Oregano, or take mega doses of Serrapeptase or Protease the enzyme that digests protein (it will attack the outer coating of the pathogens because they are made of protein), or use the herb Cistus which Dr. Klinghardt recommends, or take Myco Plex or take Seaprose-S. This last one has been proven to dissolve mucus and is given in Japan to people who have colds. Many lyme people rotate these from month to month to keep the lyme from being able to adapt to the enzyme. This would also be a good idea for people with Herpes. Scalar Silver has recently been helpful to people with Lyme and Herpes.
Lyme can live anywhere in the body and will just run to from the colon to the spine to the teeth to the brain to the colon to the eyes to the ears and back again, unlike most other pathogens which are adapted to live in specific organs and locations in the body. So lyme will run back to a previously cleared up infection site. So you have to test and retest the entire body, and treat and retreat where necessary. After you have done enough treatments to no longer be having a herx, then you do a 6 to 12 hour long treatment marathon treating every place in your body all in one day. Then wait 2 days and repeat.
But for any of these systemic infections like lyme the Rife may not work unless the person removes all exposure at night to EMFs. They should turn their electricity off at the main box at night, get rid of their cordless phone and
Cell Phone and get a flat TV if they watch TV. If they cannot turn off the electricity, Lakofsky Coils put all over the electrical box work well to raise the energy and decrease the size of the electrical box’s field. Protection devices are a must when using the computer. There are grounding wrist straps and hand pads for the mouse from There is the Oyster from GeoMack in the UK which puts a protective field around your body. Earth Calm has a plug in for your entire house’s electrical system which helps tremendously. Once you plug this in you will go through a 5 to 6 week detox as your immune system is no longer spending it’s energy fighting an unknown enemy (it reads the the high frequency of EMFs as an enemy) and will turn it’s attention to healing your body. Troika St. Germain’s website has a new plugin which is very powerful.
People with systemic infections should also undertake therapies to deal with their negative emotional traumas from childhood to speed up their healing. Traumas depress your immune system and sabotage your taking the necessary steps to get better, like buying a rife machine. The unconscious holds the memories of all your traumas. The unconscious mind resides in the Back Brain which runs all autonomic systems in the body, so negative emotions and traumas depress the immune system. The Journey developed by Brandon Bays is effective and fast therapy. Google it for intensives and practitioners.
Any computer program based healing system (i.e. QX, Scenar, LifeSystem or Trinfinity-8) works by telling the immune system to remove pathogens based on their original antigen. Since the immune system only gets 70% – 85% because the pathogens change their antigens, the remaining 15% – 30% continue to multiply and in a short time you are back where you started. The only way to get every last one of the pathogens out of your body is the Rife Machine. If an operator of any of the above computer based healing systems tells you that they can rid your body of all your pathogens, do not believe it. A QX practitioner in Nanaimo, B.C., who was trained by Deepak Chopra and therefore more likely to be a moral person who was unwilling to lie for a few dollars, told a client of mine that the QX could not kill his Candida and to find someone who had a Rife Machine and to get treatments from them.
If you buy any kind of rife machine I can test you over the phone to tell you how to treat yourself. This would include nutritional testing, testing your illeocecal valve to see if it is functioning properly and if it is not how to heal it, whether or not you need a
Bowel Cleanse before you start the rife treatments, telling you what kinds of pathogens you have and where they are in your body, telling you what frequencies the pathogens that you have are on, testing which enzyme you should use to dissolve the biofilm for lyme most bacteria, and testing you periodically throughout your treatments to let you know how successful you are being or if you have missed any pathogens anywhere in your body. I charge $75 for the testing over the phone and follow-up emails to answer any questions you may have about what I told you. The follow up phone calls to test your progress also cost another $75 so it is recommended to do this only when you have treated yourself with all the frequencies I told you that you had and all the organs that I told you to treat.
Do not buy the Model A from JWLabs. Not only is the electricity it puts out too harsh and sharp for comfortable use, they are also too weak to work without causing burns. This is because they spike randomly when turned up to the level of power necessary to penetrate the entire body to achieve any kind of result. Also they cannot be put on the skin over organs, which is necessary to clear the organs, or they will cause deep burns and permanent raised scars. The GB4000 or the spooky2 are the best.
I also sell a course for $75 which will teach you enough about how to muscle test to be able to find your frequencies for yourself or for anyone else that you treat with your machine. It includes pictures of the points to touch on the body to enable you to test for the different kinds of pathogens, pictures of the meridians and how to turn them on to get you in a testable state so that you get accurate frequencies and detailed instructions of how to ask for your frequencies.
You can come to me for treatments, I live in the interior of British Columbia, Canada, near Penticton. I give Rife Machine treatments for $90.00 each. In most cases, unless you have a weakened immune system, a large number of pathogens or some kind of systemic infection like Lyme or Herpes or Cancer, 16 treatments will clear your body, brain and spine of all pathogens. If you have infections in your ears, arms, lungs or teeth that will take another 3 treatments for each. If you give me a $1500 up front payment I will do the 16 treatments and any additional treatments for ears and teeth required by you will be included for free. If you live nearby and cannot come to my home call me and if you pay for my gas I can go to your home to give you treatments. If you want to come to me for treatments and you live a long way away or in another country, there are motels in the town which is only 3 miles away. If you want to book appointments get in touch with Margaret at:
Here are the instructions I give my clients before I begin treatments:
1. It will take 4 to 5 treatments to clear your blood, colon, heart, reproductive organs & muscles of all pathogens, depending on how strong a current of electricity your nervous system can handle and how great of a toxic discharge your body can handle. The amount of toxic discharge you can handle is determined by how alkaline you are, so see number 7 below If your organs do not totally clear then the pads are put over the organs and it takes another 3 to 5 treatments depending on whether we have to do both kidneys and your pancreas or not. The last treatment will be a treatment to clear your brain and spine of all the pathogens that have run there to get away from the electricity as well as the ones that have been living there. If you have infections in your teeth or ears these will take 1 to 2 treatments each, so maybe another 4. The sinuses will be cleared at the same time as the brain and spine.
2. Do not eat sugar, honey, maple syrup, fruit, fruit juices, dried fruit, bread or pasta 4 hours before or 22 hours after a treatment. Whole grains, oatmeal and brown rice are fine to eat. The Rife Machine only wounds many of the pathogens and they have the ability to heal the breakages in their skins if they get
Sugar right away. Start taking chromium every day if you need help to control your
Sugar or bread cravings.
3. Drink lots of water after a treatment & the next day to flush out the pathogens & their toxic waste products. If you feel tired, drink a lot of water & then lie down for a nap because your immune system is working hard to make the T-cells & B-cells now that it has been alerted to the presence of the pathogens. Lying down lets your energy go to the immune system & not to your muscles. Take Vitamin C to boost your immune system or get on Echinacea or Immutol.
4. Make Cornsilk tea (or any other diuretic herb or pill that you have to make you pee) as soon as you get home & drink a cup or two. If you have the problem of having to get up in the middle of the night to pee drink only one cup at night but make a pot and steep it overnight and drink it all the next day. Or do the
Hulda Clark Kidney Cleanse.
5. Start taking probiotics (acidophilus, etc), yogurt does not have enough probiotics in it. Also, since some of the beneficial bacteria in your colon will also be killed, about 1/3 of them are in the same frequency range as the pathogens, you must replace them immediately.
6. If you do not have regular bowel movements take magnesium oxide pills or powder or sprouted chia seeds (they have them at Whole Foods) or psyllium husk powder (Whole Foods has it) or NutriCleanse or Cascara Segrada or any other type of laxative you can tolerate. There is a suppository now available in pharmacies that attracts water to the bowels to create a movement. This is a very natural and healthy way to do it because there no poisons from laxatives in your system. Sprouted Chia Seeds work for many people and they also balance your blood sugar levels so you feel a steady energy all day.
7. Eat foods that make you alkaline – seaweed, chlorella, alfalfa, vegetables, E3Live algae, trace mineral tonics. The treatments cause you to be acidic for a little while so your discomfort in the toxic discharges will be less if you have a good alkaline base. Do not eat anything that has spirulina in it unless it has been tested by me to see if it is free of
parasite eggs.
8. It is necessary to do a
Bowel Cleanse before you rife so that the electrical currant can get right up against the intestinal lining. The undigested fecal matter which lines most people’s intestines is a home for pathogens and will block the electrical current. There are several ways to do the Bowel Cleanse. Buy a prepared cleanse from the health food store but triple the amount of psyllium pills they recommend. Buy powdered psyllium seed from, not the powdered psyllium husks. Do it with
Bentonite Clay, either a liquid or you can mix up the powdered clay into a paste and put it in your drink that way. After the treatments are over & the parasites in your liver are dead, do the
Hulda Clark ’s Liver Cleanse to open up the tubes in your liver so your body can discharge the bodies of the dead parasites.
9. Do not exchange saliva when you kiss someone on the mouth & do not have unprotected sex with anyone who has not been tested by me & found to be clear of all pathogens. You will be reinfected by them. If you are living with people who have not been treated by me with the Rife Machine or tested by me and found to be clear of all pathogens, disinfect all dishes, cups & cutlery before you use them with bleach or in the dishwasher and bleach all shared linen. Also it is probably not a good idea to wash your underware with theirs unless you use bleach or hot water. If you have animals living in the house do regular parasite cleanses for them, especially if you let them go outside at all. But the best thing is to not live with animals in your home.
10. Buy an Earth Calm to plug into your electrical grid in your home to protect you from EMFs which depress the Immune System. Find a geomancer and get him to test your house for negative leylines, geopathic vortexs which spin counterclockwise and Hartman Crosses. It is vital that you are neither sleeping or sitting for long periods of time on any of these. Research done in Europe has shown that 90% of all people who get cancer are sleeping on one of the above. Get rid of your cordless phone and
Cell Phone and get the protective device for your wireless computer modem from or .com to protect you from Smart Meters and your computer.
Here are some testimonials from people I have treated.
At the various healing seminars I attend to upgrade my knowledge base I found it impossible to resist the sweets at the dinners provided and I knew that this was being caused by my having Candida. None of my medicines would cure it. I was also having recurring sinus colds. After a seminar I would be tired from eating the sweets and my chronic sinus infection would flare up. Since the Rife Machine treatments I can resist sugar, I have more energy and my mind is clearer and more focused. I can now more easily handle my busy practice without forgetting or misplacing things. Also my chronic sinus stuffiness is gone and I have not had a sinus cold since. Sherry Ure, Naturopath, Penticton, B.C.
I was diagnosed with Lyme disease 10 years ago. I went to a Rife practitioner in Regina, Sask., at least 8 times for 4 days of Rife treatments each time. But this practitioner was unable to get rid of my Lyme. My eyesight was fuzzy, my ears and the skin around my eyes constantly itched and burned and for several years before I found Margaret and did the Rife Machine treatments with her. I was unable to lift my legs more than 2 or 3
inches off the ground. After the Rife treatments with Margaret my ears do not itch, my eyesight is clear and I can see things in the far distance again. Also I can lift my legs up to waist level. Alice Larson, Keremeos, B.C.
I have been tired since I was 20 years old. At 35 it took every bit of strength I had just to go to work. When not working all I could do is rest so that I had the energy to go back to work the next day. I knew that I had Candida overgrowth. I tried every cure I could find in Health Food stores and from alternative healers. Nothing made me feel any better. After the Rife Machine my bloating and discomfort after eating stopped, I no longer crave sugar and I lost 20
pounds in 4 weeks. My energy came back and I can now do stuff after work. My brain is no longer foggy, I can think again. My lower peripheral eyesight came back & I no longer have to walk with my head down so I can see the ground as I have had to do since I was 20. The constant back pain over my left kidney is also gone and my whole body feels more flexible. Christie Williams, Pentiction, B.C.
After going through a stressful time in my marriage I became very tired. A hormonal specialist doctor said my ovaries were not producing enough hormones and my adrenals were not working at all to produce hormones. The vitamins he gave me helped a little bit, but I was still very tired. The Rife treatments have given me my energy back and my alcoholic husband has not had a drink since his Rife treatments. (The pathogens, especially the Candida, were making him crave the sugar in alcohol). Suzanne, Osoyoos, B.C.
I was slowly recovering from a serious illness but did not yet have the energy to travel to do my healing workshops. After I got all my pathogens removed with the Rife Machine I could easily handle week-long workshops without getting tired and have been able to book and travel to do even more workshops than I could before I got sick. Norma Cowie, Penticton, B.C.
I was diagnosed with Level 5 Candida with a QX machine and told I would get cancer in ten years and this practitioner, who had been trained by Deepak Chopra, told me there was nothing that he could do to kill the Candida. He told me to find someone with a Rife Machine and get treatments. Before my Rife treatments I only had the energy to work an hour a day at my internet stock trading job, but after the treatments I now have more energy and can work my job full time again. Robin Fitzgerald, Penticton, B.C.
I was tired all the time with pain in most of the muscles of my body. Also I couldn’t digest my food and was experiencing constant diaherria. After the Rife treatments I got stronger and stronger, all the muscle pain went away and my diaherria stopped. Eleanor Stein (80 years old), Penticton, B.C.
When they removed some teeth when I was a young girl in England, they left some pieces of the roots in my gums. By my forties they were infected and I needed to have an expensive operation to have them removed. The Rife Machine took away all the pain. Also, I was tired and having difficulty digesting my food after I used a face cream with animal placenta in it & again later from a Garden of Life product. Margaret tested the Garden of Life product and found there were parasites in it. After the Rife treatments my digestion improved, my energy level increased to a level even greater than before the treatments and I could concentrate better on my work. Siri Simran Kaur, Espanola, New Mexico, USA
I was very tired and sick for a many years and could barely work at my massage therapy job. I spent at least a thousand dollars going to different doctors and alternative health care workers trying to find a solution. During the course of the Rife Machine treatments I saw several worms come out into the toilet with my bowel movements. After I had all my pathogens and Candida removed and healed my Ileocecal valve with Margaret’s coaching, my energy and strength returned, my digestion improved and my continuously recurring vaginal yeast infections have also stopped. Kartar Kaur, Espanola, New Mexico, USA
Every winter for ten years I used to get sinus colds, which cost me weeks of work and pay. Since I had the Rife treatments 3 years ago I have not had another sinus cold. Harnal Kaur, Espanola, New Mexico, USA Ever since I came back from my travels in India many years ago I have not felt well & have not had the energy I was used to having. I got so tired I had to quit my job. After getting my parasites, Candida & herpes removed with the Rife Machine, I have lots of energy and have been able to go back to work. I feel like I am in my twenties again. Satya Kaur, Espanola, New Mexico, USA
I was diagnosed with Hepatitis C. Every six months the doctors injected me with Hepatitis A, because scientific research shows that Hepatitis A and Hepatitis C are never found together. But the Hepatitis C did not go away and the doctors kept finding it in my liver. After my Rife Treatments, the doctor’s tests could find no trace of either the Hepatitis A or the Hepatitis C. Frank, Espanola, New Mexico, USA
I had a painful ear infection from swimming in a public pool without a large enough filtration system. Several courses of
Antibiotics over a 2 year period did not cure it. After the Rife Machine treatments all itching, pain and discharge of liquid from my ear stopped and three years later I am still pain free. Japa Kaur, Espanola, New Mexico, USA
I had the flu for a month and just couldn’t get over it so I decided to get totally cleared of all my pathogens with the Rife Machine. I never told Margaret that I had a lump that was slowly increasing in size in my left breast, but by the end of the treatments when Margaret told me I was clear of all pathogens, the lump was totally gone. Dolores, Espanola, New Mexico, USA