When I was 18 I was working out doing regular push ups but really overdid it for myself and believe I damaged my ulnar nerve in my left arm. After the injury i often found my hand clenching up, and found it hard to use or control my pinky and ring finger. For months it hurt like a tooth ache but in my arm, like a constant annoyance but a strange faintish pain at times. Sometimes I thought it had healed and overused or used my fingers on that hand e.g. when squeezing a lemon and the pain would reoccur for a week. I could not play guitar for over a year. I luckily now, by absolutely limiting the use of the arm and hand and giving it proper rest can now play guitar again, however at first even playing brought the pains back on. I believe I have trained it to be able to handle that exercise, however I was hoping to actually be able to work out my arms equally and get the strong, as I have really weak arms and they are far too skinny. I attempted some push ups again recently and it completely brought back the nerve pain and bad memories of it lasting weeks. It has partially healed or should I say I can't feel pain right now, but I know that if I were to train my arms I'd get it again. Does anyone else have this situation at all and can help give some tips or shed light on whether my body will heal this at any point in my future to allow me to exercise it fully?
My body is not the healthiest, I need to do a lot of
parasite cleansing,
Liver Flushing and I am aware I have some serious candida overgrowth. Due to this it is also likely my blood is really dirty. I have taken Accutane when I was 16 and that had a noticeable negative effect on my health. I belief my gut flora has been imbalanced and pathogens have taken the high ground since around the age of 14 or 15 and I am now 21.
When I am done cleansing I wonder if my nerves may heal? Apprarently 'snapped triceps syndrome' is a name for my situation and by the sounds of that the nerve completely dislodges and ends up 'snapping' and becoming inflamed whenever large amounts of pressure are put on when bending.
Please give me any thoughts and suggestions on where to begin with this. Much appreciated.