If u are eating according to UT advice, it should only help.
Using a castor oil pack wrapped around the knee, whether w some non electric heat or not. U could use an ace bandage perhaps, and Id do it for at least 3 days.
Heres a good one
So it was back in '72', two guys were out to make contacts to sell the first batch of urethane wheels for boards.
One of the stops was at the local Hobie shop where they showed the shop manager the new urethane Caddilac wheels and explained how great they were.
The manager, reaching into his showcase, pulled out a skate wheel, the really only wheels available at the time, White Hobies, made of a clay composite material(skid city).
Holding out the clean white skateboard wheel, with a smirking attitude and smile to match his arrogance, he said, "Boys, this is a skateboard wheel". And with that he replaced the wheel, turned and walked away.
The two looked at each other and burst out laughing, he wasnt in on the joke, but they knew he would be soon.
And on it goes. It's like the uninformed dissparaging remarks on UT, sound and frequency medicine, any different than we are used too science.
Confounding circumstances continually arise, so that we can be confronted by our immature attachment to any sense of needing stability in a world and universe of constant change and renewal.
At each morphing stage we are all like the movie character, stunned by a new, more evolved awareness, stuttering, "Whhhhen did the baseball players get here?"