Have you tried applying urine yet? Urine Therapy is usually a last resort when you're desperate enough, but it does work miracles. Especially aged urine.Try it out at least, you've got nothing to lose.
Also, your intenstines could be clogged up, or the acidity of your stomach could need a boost. If you burp easily after eating, or regurgitate, hiccup, or you don't defacate a couple hours after eating, or you get heart burn, or acid reflux, these are all signs of a inneficient stomach. As a result, your body cannot absorb nutrients due to the lack of acidity & breaking down of nurtients. And as a result of malabsorption, your body cannot supply your scalp with its required nutrients.
Also, massage your scalp as often as you can, and pat your head too. This increases the blood circulation to the hair follicles, and provides them with nutrients.
Your scalp state has a great impact on hair strength. If you have an oily scalp, then there is a chance for getting dandruff. An oily scalp can be caused by the overactive sebaceous gland on the scalp. It may lead to excessive shiny hair. Oil content in your hair attracts dirt easily and make it very sticky. It may result in dandruff. My cousin also had faced this problem and lost his hair. Then he had a hair loss surgery in Toronto for volumizing his hair. But due to his oily scalp, he had faced a dandruff problem even after his surgery. This made him desperate and sought the help of his doctor. The doctor referred him a medicated shampoo for daily usage. And now he is free from dandruff problem.