I took off a highly suspected mast cell tumor off my dog Sandy's ear with black salve from 'best products on earth'.....which works very well and heals fast tho it may scare you in the middle of the process.
anyway, Sandy was left with a raw place the size of a golf ball [proper use of black salve is problematic on a dog because it should be left alone and bandaged for 2-3 weeks---dogs are very inventive on getting a bandage off and scratching area even with a cone on head]
I got some medical manuka honey [be careful there all manuka is not medical it is a potentcy deal].
in a matter of days its almost healed....dabbing a small amount on 2x day.....I am really amazed.
I got manukaguard medical manuka honey but there are many other brands.
oz is going to last me a LONG time for me and Sandy.