Chromium levels blood sugars and since I've been eating honey to cure my Candida I've been taking it. It's quite astonishing! I've had a very severe bout of Candida that's lasted for months and months and I've been throwing every strong antifungal I can think of at it, including herbal tinctures, powders and filling empty capsules with antifungal essential oils to use as pessiaries and suppositories.
I've cut virtually all carbs out, except for a bit of buckwheat and hemp protein. It's all been seeming to do nothing and my itching has been off the scale. For a few days I've been eating honey and garlic, nothing expensive, the honey is from Littleover apiary and I get it for around £5 from the supermarket. They don't call it raw but they don't use any heat on it. They say it's cold extracted and cold filtered, and unblended, whatever that means. A research study said that even artificially made honey killed Candida!
Anyway I can feel it working already. I'm not itching! A massive bonus is that for the first time in around half a year I feel fully satiated. The carb cravings have been driving me wild for so long. I'd eat a large meal of vegetables and meat or fish and have a full belly but still be longing for something carby/sugary.
I haven't been diluting the honey in water. I just cut a pill sized piece of garlic and swallow it with a little water, then I eat the honey from a spoon. Oh and I've also been eating bee pollen with it. I'm sure it's working because I feel soothed where the intense itching was. Hope it lasts, I think it will!
I've been eating quite a lot of the honey and I read what the above post said about herxing. To deal with that I use herbs for my liver and pancreas, such as milk thistle and burdock (sometimes dandelion if I have some), and I'm using Marshmallow powder put into capsules to heal my leaky gut, along with some other things. It's important to look after the whole body and needless to say to drink lots of water and herbal teas to flush the garbage out.