DE is loaded with silicon which your body uses to manufacture nails, hair etc.
I have never read any finished studies using DE and think it is a little overhyped.
The other poster makes a valuable point in that resistance is a growing problem which has to be addressed.
The first step is to determine which substance provides sensitivity, that means substance A may kill off one type 1 or an organism while it has no effect against type 2.
Resistance is shown at days 4-7 of the treatment and it is recognized as when the organism will rapidly die off - if the organism is resistant then after day 7 it will show itself again. Most organisms are able to resist via the efflux pump mechanism and by stopping the pumps then the substances are able to retain inside the cell where they do their work.
Herbs tend to be the best remedy for the resistance and many of them will stop resistance. The best I know of is Goldenseal Leaf (not GS root). The leaf contains many constituents that stop the efflux pumps from working. There are many other herbs that can do this and if anyone is interested then send me a PM.
Studies show that combining these herbs along with drugs offers a better chance for the drugs to work.