What you all think? Would need capsules by themselves be helpful to take?
I have some I've been sitting on for months wonder if they may help at all and if they're easy on the body to take.
Neem is widely used in India for a variety of conditions. Resistance is a growing problem so I would use combinations. Banyan Botanicals has a nice anti parasite that use a combination of different Ayurvedic herbs. Why not try boswellia, myrrh and oil of oregano with the neem, it worked for me.
I do have most of those supplements including a myrrh gum supplement and possibly oil of oregano - can order more if needed. So I can try some combo of those. Thanks
I would use the myrrh for shorter periods of time since it is a resin. Boswellia technically is also a resin but I buy it in pill form thinking it is not so resinous.