Magnesium is critical for heart function and levels are low in Americans. There are several reasons for this such as inadequate levels in food supplies, diets that contain little to no magnesium. Secondly there are a number of magnesium wasting things that make it worse. Diets in high fat, high
Sugar and processed foods all waste magnesium, calcium is another waster. Stress might be the king of mag wasting. The proper forms of magnesium should be considered as well, for instance there are a number of forms that are not beneficial.
Mildred Seelig MD work on mag & cardio
Other minerals play key roles and should be considered as well as b vitamins.
The plaque that forms comes from oxidized fats, so if you are low in antioxidants then the fats become oxidized which accumulate in the arteries.
Matthias Rath MD has excellent articles showing how this can be reversed with a particular focus on antioxidants, mostly Vitamin C. His free ebook can be found here
Vitamin E as D form (not DL) is of particular note since it is very helpful in cardio problems.
Fresh, unprocessed and organic fruits and vegetables contain a plethora of enzymes which you body needs to dissolve plaque.
Turmeric well be tops in the spice world for its overall benefits, cardiovascular, immune, contains curcumin that is anticancer.