you right, thanks for your input, the Love that creates endless imagination because itself creates it. too bad our creative scientist are with them not for life but defense, first and last, yep. you know the evil plan if you back to refer many points enough to make a whole and understand their attention.
so this ones are the zions, the fearful god/s and their food for nutrition to invent a big wall inside which there is their Garden of eden for our heaven waiting for us if we obey and follow them yet never get in theirs for we and sinners and scapegoat or their judgement and their immune response fire at all, consume us to our death, very young. who wants that? even a thought of that shit or just a stress of it the immune fires, a fear is created to fire at our ugly world of our demand. oh yea, artifact is what they are crazy about, crazy = a cracky/s in the wall for fire. and us weeping under at the big foot of god or a great city. babylon.the goddess of love and wars. - it is their program for us?
ya ya, autoimmune, you said it right.
how can I ever bring that image that spirit, the Love in all creation to see it before I go away from here? Am i scientist of my making, oh my God, would you not do that?
one more, Is 7.8 shuman resonance complete in its vibration, just our error of men imperfect calculation or is it that it needs to be perfect with our or self effort into conscious, Love to our working and living imagination versus not Love? cutting edge Love or the other side bog boggy. experementing and the spirit guiding and bringing it in results or proves?
I love this focus.
pop culture is defined and distributed electronically, downloaded and replayed until it becomes an identity. The many defined by the few.
It has many faces and flavors, use your skin color, economic status, gender, religion or age to pick the program that feels most comfortable and guiltlessly justifying to persecute any other dissimilar programs playing in what you have been programed to believe is your rightful God granted place.
Programs of the same origin (the chosen ones) to program all others to self destruct all the while believing they are of their own mind.
In stillness we can all see and know this yet find the truth too repulsive for it is in conflict with our very identity, the program, our habits, beliefs are comfortable. The true self now seen as surrendered and beyond our reach.
There are many paths back but they are narrow and without automatic programming. Put your bare feet on the ground, expose your bare flesh to the sun and observe the stillness yet remaining inside you to play your own tune. We are created in the image of God, give yourself permission to express that.
They know that the rhetoric of reason, principle, freedom, morality, patriotism, America, self-defense, self-interest ... sells. And that is all their talk of “American interests” is, rhetoric, window-dressing, a shabby and deceptive excuse for another agenda.
that rhetoric is reaction, imposed fear to objectivity and so an agreement to solution with an agenda, very self-center of a group or the few in concern, we versus you, forced to be seen important power, false vote, for their interest or objects making humans not only dejected slave but in danger of extinction; it brings the blind observation just to make their dream for their defense that is truly not needed to bring heaven on earth. So the solutions are the believed good against evil that they created as spirit in themselves. we have to obey them, the evil force and they know it because they do not know what is true freedom for all and happy life, just sound mind and body and soul and loving spirit. For me is Terrorism When I have to go to get something from them just by looking their face and surrounding. we have been grown so weak tolerating this evil objective (terrible frustration/anger/greed/rage/all the products of many forms of from just that basic one evil energy that hates life) to end up only anti-natural defense and of course nature in the body and spirit in the soul and sicking energy in the mind.
their interest is exploitation of the surrounding be it nature or people, each one us all, the whole habitat for objects of false interest, the big lie, to have money from where one think he is free because he can buy his freedom at home. where is home? a dream, a box where all invention is to be there to release the prisoner from the evil spirit with things of shit. Is that possible? A quick temporary of relieve that blows the mind, with shit, the only dreamed heaven as a reward for doing evil in the outside world and who cares? True Love, eh?
I got a powerful idea of what is real freedom from positive side starting from subjective, satisfying and Loving and creative and not dangerous when it comes to an object, not so much objective to the court, the world now under them in court. nice garden, yep, do you see it? even a little child cry when it sees it for its spirit is like a big hit on his flesh to be sacrificed indirectly, a slow rituality to salvation, to have a thing directly, a pacifier, pace-fire in adult solution to fire again but it is coming to prove it in hell. Is this Love that one want to pass to the next, baby. oh my seed!!!!!yep, yes vote, freedom with the devils.
I like to subject of what is true freedom and love and life and spirit and language and knowledge, you can sense in them and know from the knower to end object that free the self, as God does, or the vital energy. this is just a hint but it is very vast, infinite if you like, into eternal life.
let us open our mind to this subject.
complain no time? yep, for whom?
this is very wonderful life energy giving focus of real light. ready! oh, no, fear again, fall like our fathers, yep, no money no honey no food no medicine and no objects of dear life for men to run amuck after as if the devils boggy after us.
just by analysing a language you would understand what is going on, men speak it but we do not know that there is a spirit coming too much to objective, too many objects, the terror holding on that shit as security, and little freedom so what is subjective to the free of itself to have love creating what comes true to an object as a prove of the source. men are blind to dream in hell and the stupid hungry dogs or gods do not see it at all. hate is their source. welcome hell in the world and heaven at home! yep! ignorance is a bliss for a while, take a nice trip with a drug.
very few wise men mentioned it, not so clear a point, well untill experienced.
the focus is the right point where is is life and sharing from that itself, the wave length we live in harmony, they say of the planet earth other say it is 7.87 and now other say 432 in music sound which was texted to check the unbroken pattern, the best one, but yet 440 is forced in as a setting to the music world and found distressed broken to be our evil as impurity to kill men if not growing conscious over it to more to be conscious again and again after men input of evil to find the good in the realm where evil men would not exist any more, no more devils. huhm, wake up, purity and one has to understand with instrument because the body senses cannot see it, so welcome to the head looking inside it or up in the sky more something good right, so hoping to come right now. well my friend, I wish I can look at you to share the beauty of life and its skin, and where we can sit our foot, our best as living tool. you like to feel it walking joyfully unharmed and beautiful so I. What more the pure wave that links all from low to high harmony and formation of bodies unharmed man evil eye. devil eye. and that is as one say 528hz, the wave unbroken pattern in sound and natural image and that of the making of the universe. just for control the good real because the evil spirit would not allow it, well they say there are aliens dishamonizing the perfect pure fundimental basic wave. we need to find the secret power to end up evil power in order to be save and comfortable and with good will and obedient, and to live in a good realm. well, we are told we ourselves know nothing for it is not planet but our world their world. you see we cannot see in the the real world and share all that believe or all that comes from Love source of life - all you can do is have a nice sound and nice look, easy? imagination my friend not so bad today, how about yours, baby/darling? you see my sense to joke has some left good vibration. well, I need an instrument to check my sound on the water of my body. my baby would love to see it, well, in reality my seed of that my true beloved son or offspring of God, the One eternal in Harmony, oh heaven on earth and I do not have conscious of it, I am fool daddy cool.
nice vibration.
the best is to grow very old and seeing it with the blessing focus, and no greed.
Can we live in/from living side, sensing/feeling/seeing/hearing/smelling/touching/tasting/ and back to life again as our realm and rewards as a focus and harmony with that energy making it, good eye. seeing see hearing hearing, on the flow of natural way to heaven hereafter as well being that it comes and that it goes? be happy Baby.
What they teach in school? in church in univer-city versus nature's teaching. well one need good eye to see that nowadays. welcome to para-dice made by the madness in the world because home is very heaven waiting for us. you know the door of that before you get in? and you know what is up on the top?
oh, still joking, well, it is a divine comedy. good realm..
so what is detachment so every thing can be seen, the distance making with love, to grow the peacock tail for a beautiful female and not just a stick. to be real beautiful inside ourselves for God or all to see, have we seen it, open the eyes.
conscious my friend.
next time, from my best heart I can ever have, my joy is yours when I can find it. I am that.
thank you.
and what about sharing? I think that is something like you get/ have/ give/ and see the result with joy, not false one, it is total - all sharing itself and that is harmony to the physical world. men now they give ideas and not sharing the happy results at all - what happens. I tell you that people here where i live did that to me, to just to say from my experience and a so prove to it. it is ending extremely harmful to the person who try to love and be loved. interference with evil sound to idea and tone and ego hunger and revenge of a devil being himself sacrificed on the stone and thus wanting the same and even more to others. forgiveness and change to bring life to the dear one is very hard. not even want to hear the truth. they get get very angry just at understand it because they hate to serve it and be it. amazing to our shameless gods.
there is two back and forth, or cycle or sine wave or the heart/ lungs in and out, charge and discharge or death and life. we have life now and this duality can be done with the subconsciousness allowing the body to live its life span without using it for trouble and solution invented by men, and to injected , the evil to destroy the body, - the very bad conscience. this duality is the symbiosis or the collective sustain by the creator/nature to the creation , back to conscious. men cannot do that at all. the way men does it is tension compression and never release back to more life but illusion or lies or deception past as poisonous substance as evil to the soul or to the poor. when men divide with hate so that one is poor the other is proud rich, tension of that evil destroying nature where the poor can go back and forth to purify his life as free being to save himself/ves. But the rich want the same of that which made him rich and also forced his children to do that same shit relentlessly, no in and out. what happens to the poor is that, he has to destroy nature and never turn back(the Father would welcome the son as Jesus said) but never out so the poison never cleaned and the evil kills him. and that is in my light of reason why I say about the invention out of the angry energy just to create things to destroy and never to give life and anything positive that truly help...the poor. only compression and the no more fuel or oxygen for the machine or our system. just imagine and you see, just childish logic, simple. just a look off the box. I am saying something never with what I am trying to see this this fact? why we kill each other?
I am trying to be positive, my work as discharge and in the same time charge, letting in the force of nature as well, not just charge at sleep and discharge into my dream, devils' dream, and to kill the body/nature/Father/God as battery, something to beat the meat. sacrifice for satan. evil spirit. well, masterbation is not that sinful. it is like life ends in itself, nice meaning we have to be controlled for them, or me or you for up and down to karma and incarnation the end of the world. there is a very good powerful way full life and joy if you like. no faith?
thank you men.
living in the wave length that contain us together. folks do you like this but what just imagination, oh, coming, may be when I get money and do it myself with you. I got one foot long very alive, the fish in the hole, wow,
my every day joke, laughter is my medicine.
this is very nice to see life. I am serious now.
Have you recognized what is to be meant vitality?
The meaning of 528 just an idea is harmonic light in sound range frequency for forms solid and to be absorbed energy for the thing alive to move? Are we peaceful healthy sound humans animals just making this harmony to come to give life with its time and space? Then, there is that schumann resonance 7-8 a wave length that is tested and found to be responsible, there together with DNA and when removed the basic ladder could not stick together.
It is interesting to note that there is also that 741 evil spirit and 440, the latter as usual the evil introduced the first time in military corporation to come last back as the last source to the end. It is said that men's tone was able to be heard positively and therefore the destructive side or spirit was overtaken by the good one to lust to a healthy joyful vitality in pain of life to a longer age in the body, the holy spirit baptizing and life giving energy. now they can test this in voices with instrument to verify the fact to see the dominant one and the span of life, in voice and DNA and in the food we eat and the color green the best. Green is very relaxing color, known. that is amazing balance done before man could know it and text it.
Other balance is with time, the waiting for nature to cook as the best food - you know organic. And not to ignore, as men nowadays do, the beauty of that growing with time and that is also Love to life, not belong to men to do what they like as their possession, private, egoistic expression, each man with a false tone as his job, his money, to man made intense desire that inflame the body - you know what I am referring to.
I see that nature is really loved by men but yet no one ever includes it with his ressumay, ethics, production and space and time or to his quality of his education or vibration or taste. It is amazing how men are concern and as speaks it, just me and me, my job, or else I am not important. pure self-serving egoism out of evil energy to produce just for the self the poison, self sacrifice of the old now self suicidal behaviour. Are men happy waiting for what, for God omnipresent or that evil god or fathers and not Father, God. Do men have time to understand, for God sake? The vitality that speak it? what are the self interested that becomes last too late just to know how inhuman we are created from man made evil intention of those who get a reason to control one side and the other side, just rotten food. It is very dangerous world and it is very clear. yep, busy after a little thing to save you baby, so fragmented that nothing hold together, not a big picture, the law of attraction, life coming in, my baby!
For example, in this video, yet of course it is good to know or express it but then that Me alone, isolated. why not a unity of life expression, people, a change now, so that this evil few cannot kill or imprison them and so men can have a chance to slow and see the good coming in time and space, to see as well to talk about?
I wonder if people are aware of this vital facts?
Some are but they do not express it as if nature is shit itself. the blind self, all is in the mind, moonshine. Oh my God, so abominable to terrible desolation. fight to win baby.
there is no hope if one do not work together to protect each others with a real intention at will and the real energy that makes it before the eyes.
Lisa, she said, that she for her self , that it is the energy searching, but not to come down and incarnate in a form of a natural image to be before her thinking or her eyes. Just a job, right, or else banality, as nature is shit, poor, and the self not like that low, humble. words are too good for...sell. well may be we are not to blame because the church has been doing the same for long long time, hah, now the long good time is gone. and God, no, god and his dogs is going to hear the words and coming to save us. I love the end of the world and look up to see the sky.
Do yo know I was doing that and it comes to my mind that cloud insemination flying planes and now shit a heat wave is coming to fry europe from the desert, Africa. I never remember such weather, always more more dry. the good old time is gone and that is natural. why they do not change from themselves to begin with and that means to be more real and not terrible lies. I cannot mention it would none stop.
I like indeed a change even if now I am sick and going to die.
the way she speaks, very clear, that is the truth, very aware. very hard to hear some body speaking like that, well, there are some may be many....
I seek you my Love, not only sex.
oh yea, stipe of objective and only motion would be left,free, baby,
so light to fly where you want, like the holy spirit of a honey bee
to the flower inside me for every wonderful feeling to be,
and this one.
you can be
verything except
a bumblebee.
yep, almost extinct.