I would try coconut water kefir vs. milk kefir. Kefir is too difficult too digest, and aggravates symptoms of candida yeast infections, even with the high amount of probiotics, its still dairy, its bacteria and mucous forming. Eco-go is a good coconut water kefir product that i've taken.
Taking probiotics are important, however during the initial phase of the cleanse, most anti-fungals disrupt even the healthy bacteria. A bottle of acidophilus in the refrigerator section at a natural food store, is good one to start.
more natural products that i always suggest: juicing, 35% food grade h202 therapy, chia seed and psyllium husk, lots of lemon juice, aloe vera juice from the fresh leaf, kelp powder or iodine, herbal teas of any kind, most all have subtle different yet same cleansing, blood purifying, and nutrients to support immune system, umeboshi plum paste,
Hulda Clark 's advanced
parasite cleanse, medicinal mushrooms, uva ursi is a powerful anti-fungal, as well as garlic, taking a high dose of it daily, tumeric is an important one too, these are all balancing and can help fight all infections.