Some thoughts to consider.
Dr Tennant's book Healing is Voltage is a primer on the body systems, sharing aspects of cell and organ life often not considered by other treatment programs.
His take is that situations like the candida overgrowth are part of system breakdown and to the degree that the immune system is affected and to the degree our cellular rebuilding process' are subpar, we have an easier or harder time at naturally eliminating the unwanted, and regaining proper functioning.
He says that often infection tracks thru our system, lowering the healthy electrical functioning of our cells in whichever organ system is being most affected by the traveling infection. Lowered voltage, aka lower PH (Potential of Hydrogen, a measurement of the millionth of a volt, cellular battery voltage level, which is the determinant as to whether a cell can use oxygen or not.), causes a diminishment of that cellular battery charging process, aka the Krebs cycle, the making of ATP. And the culmination of this is illness on multiple fronts becoming chronic, because our cells and thus organs slow down and arent able to renew themselves efficiently and conditions become increasingly more suited for anerobic loving invaders.
When our systems fluids become more acid, the normally dormant microorganisms come awake and start eating our tissue and the already awake, but controlled organisims, like candida, start invading the more cooperative subpar, low PH, low cell functioning spaces.
I imagine uve read Pipi's note on CZ about her successfull UT regimin for her neverending candida, where she found and so advises us to drink as much as we are able to.
The UT is a
Water Fast more than it is not.
The person u are talking too, apparantly has no experience w real UT. The recirculated UT fasting H2O is superlative, and probably better than any water from any outside source.
For one thing its being so already familiar w the system it is being introduced too.( do u know of Emoto's work in studying the water crystal? This is related to the same ideas.)
Using UT fasting or
Water Fasting for fixing a candida condition are very similar, in an allowing of our systems to be unencumbered, relieved of the need for digestion, and initiate a system wide cleansing ballancing function, and for either therapy to not work, only reveals that the origin of the off setting of our systems ballance and or the ability to regain some systems control, is still not being affected enough by the therapy. Which is why we are often advised to pursue these treament for a long period or to not stop untill we are functioning better. That advice may work but it can also be time wasting and too difficult for someone already stressed by illness.
The difference between the two fasting approaches is that UT fasting is easier than water only fast. The bladder/kidney fluid will be assisting the alkalinizing of the building up of waste, which is normal w fasting. It is giving to our body, vital nutriant elements and compounds, in small, already to use qualities, so it wont be interfering w energy usage(like digestion can) and the system itself trying to regain control.(the recent note from #112700 on UT gargling is pertainant and should be given an RR, but we have no UT moderator)
So fasting is powerful either way but if we study what Tennant has to say, we find that its evan easier to start by raising the PH of our intra and extracellular environments, while attempting to find the possible infection culprit and also correct any functions contributing to our staying ill.
Like digestion:
Tennant (and other health researchers also * see below) stress incomplete digestion, especially proteins, as a part of many chronic illness'. Furthermore an already subpar system having foreign structures(cause food proteins arent related to our DNA) inserted into our blood stream, where they should never be, further pollutes our systems, taxes our immune system, congests our lymphatics ect ect.
Tennant's ideas advantages are that we often dont need to know the particulars about the "named symptomology" troubling us. We dont usually actually need to devise special treatments for each, diets, unusual supplementation ect, and while we do need to educate ouselves as to the specific health needs of our body systems (iodine, zinc ect ect ect) fasting is only beneficial and historically often reported as the cure.
UT fasting is an evan better fasting tecnique and the synergistic boost it provides fits well w Tennant's approach.
So the simpler therapy idea is to understand (if possible) where the infections are coming from(dental ect), deal with that as best we can, assist our low or lacking specific body chem needs, and boosting cellular ATP cycles by raising PH levels so that our body systems can return to normal function, to rid us of the unwanted, to rebuild cells quickly and to maintain system ballance. Health.
"Swedish medical researchers spent several years trying to determine the cause of death of 16 very fit athletes; all of whom died of sudden cardiac arrest while performing. Post mortem examination revealed evidence of inflammation of the heart, which seemed to be caused by a chronic infection with the
parasite Chlamydia pneumoniae.
Following up on this discovery, investigators in the cardiology division at the University of Utah School of Medicine confirmed the strong correlation between heart disease and infection with Chlamydia pneumoniae.
Improving protein (including milk protein) digestion is a major step in eliminating the availability of sloughed-off protein that is used for cloaking by such pathogens as Chlamydia pneumoniae.