Okay, so I’ve had been following a strict candida diet(no grain/sugar/fruit/milk) for 3 moths.
I took normix,flagyl. some other natural antifungals like oregano oil in February.
Since then, I’ve been experiencing the worst die-off symptoms ever.
Muscle ache, really bad breath and
Body Odor , tingling/burning/biting sensation all over my body, getting bruises everyday, low stomach acid, yellowish skin.... My
Body Odor problem became really really bad, kind of like sewage and rotten, feces all kinds of nasty stuff.
I kept taking antifungals, but I threw up almost everytime right after taking coconut oil etc
So I stopped taking them all, gave my liver to rest. But the symptoms didn’t go away. It actually got worse especially after meals. Strange, but symptoms were always worse after having meal than taking antifungals.
I decided to test foods one by one to see what makes my BO&biting/burning sensation terrible.
Symptoms were high when I tried,
1. rice cake, rice, quinoa
2 white potato
3 eggs, meats(beef/chicken/pork)
4 nuts and seeds
5 fruits
6 seaweed
7. green vegetables.
Honestly, whenever I eat something, the symptoms go nuts. Even only a small amount of green vegetable soup made me sick.
I felt like tons of little bugs were biting and releasing toxins in my body.
Body Odor was beyond my control. It was worse than ever.
I was planning to try sweet potato. But I was too scared to get worse than now
So I baked 4 sweet potatoes in oven, slice them and put them underneath my fermented vegetable soup for about 3 days.
And I ate them with overdose of probiotics, and fermented vegetable juice for several times.
It has been 2 days since I finished eating them all. I’m not sure if my BO get reduced, but definitely my biting/burning symptoms got disappeared dramatically.
So far, the only foods that reduced my symptoms were garlic, and sweet potato.
I’m confused about candida diet, paleo diet, SCD, GAPS....
Is it going to be helpful to cut all the carbs in the long term?
I feel like my body has been needing some amount of carbs, or am I being tricked by the candidas, and other bad bacterias' playing?
Please excuse my engish:( sorry