Some fasters after a long fast experience Edema. Mostly in there feet and ankles. This is caused by many reasons, most prevalent are Malnutrition, Lack of enough protein, Kidney, Heart or Liver disease.
I suggest if Edema is severe and salt elimination from your diet does not change the swelling then get these tests done.
A chest X-ray
Blood tests
Urine tests
Liver function tests
Heart function tests
Kidney function test
But if the docs give you diuretic drugs, do not take those since that only make this a vicious cycle.
Following explanations may help understand how Edema happens. At the end you will also see some other remedies that will help you. Sorry it is long essay.
Fluid (liquid) rich in nutrients, vitamins and oxygen continuously passes from tiny blood vessels (capillaries) into surrounding tissues - this fluid is known as interstitial fluid (tissue fluid). Interstitial fluid nourishes cells and eventually makes its way back to the capillaries.
Water retention may occur if pressure inside the capillaries changes. Water (fluid) retention is also possible if something occurs that makes the capillary walls too leaky. If something goes wrong with capillary pressure or capillary wall permeability (wall becomes too leaky), excess liquid (fluid) will be released into the tissue spaces between cells. If too much fluid is released more and more of it will remain in the tissues, rather than returning to the capillaries, resulting in swelling and waterlogging (water retention).
The lymphatic system - which consists of a network of vessels throughout the body, drains this fluid from tissues and empties it back into the bloodstream. However, if too much fluid is released in the first place the lymphatic system can be overwhelmed - it is unable to return fluid fast enough, and it accumulates (fluid retention).
Physical inactivity
Physical activity (exercise) helps the leg veins return blood to the heart (against gravity). If the blood does not travel fast enough it will begin to accumulate in the legs, resulting in higher pressure in the capillaries. Fluid will leave the capillaries at a higher rate because of the higher pressure. The higher pressure also makes it harder for fluids to come back later on.
Exercise is also needed to stimulate the lymphatic system to fulfill its function of regulating overflow - bringing fluids back into the bloodstream at rates which may regulate body water levels.
We require a certain level of proteins for effective water balance. An individual with severe protein deficiency may find it harder to get the water from the tissue spaces back into the capillaries. The enlarged abdomens of seriously malnourished and/or starving people are mainly caused by a lack of protein in their diet.
Salt (sodium) - sodium-rich foods may cause water retention.
Malnutrition and/or bad diet - dietitians say low consumption of thiamine (vitamin B1), as well as insufficient vitamins B6 and B5 may contribute toward fluid retention. Low levels of albumin levels may also play a part - low albumin levels can also be caused by kidney disease.
Celery and parsley, as well as other coumarin-rich foods are key for this diet - coumarin helps macrophages (type of white blood cells) break up proteins which have leaked into the tissue space.
The following self-help precautions may reduce the signs and symptoms of water retention for some people:
Cut down salt consumption.
Do regular exercise.
Raise the legs several times per day to improve circulation.
Wear supporting stockings if the water retention occurs in your lower limbs.
Not to sit/stand still for too long.
Get up and walk about regularly when travelling by car, train.
Avoid extremes of temperature, such as hot baths, showers, and saunas. Dress warmly if it is cold.
Massage - if the affected area is stroked firmly in the direction of the heart it may help move the fluid.
Feel Better.