"Boron reduces prostate cancer incidence by up to 64%
In a study by Zhang et al, men who ingested the greatest amount of boron were 64% less likely to develop prostate cancer (PC) compared to men who consumed the least amount of boron. This information was presented at the annual Experimental Biology conference in Florida in 2001.1 The study, from the Cancer Epidemiology Training Program at the UCLA School of Public Health, compared dietary patterns of 76 men with prostate cancer to that of 7,651 males without cancer. The greater the quantity of boron-rich foods consumed, the greater the reduction in risk of being diagnosed with prostate cancer. Those men consuming the most boron (i.e., in the upper quartile of boron consumption) had a 64% reduction in prostate cancer, while men in the second quartile had a 35% reduction in risk and those in the third quartile reduced their risk by 24%. Men in the lowest quartile of boron consumption ate roughly one slice of fruit per day, while those in the highest quartile consumed 3.5 servings of fruit per day plus one serving of nuts. Boron-rich foods include plums, grapes, prunes, avocados, and nuts such as almonds and peanuts. A serving of 100 grams of prunes (12 dried prunes) has 2-3 mg of boron and 6.1 grams of fiber.2
Boric acid acts to inhibit serine proteases -- it decreases PSA by 87% and reduces tumor size in a prostate cancer mouse model
The mechanism of boron's effect on reducing prostate cancer incidence in the study by Zhang et al previously cited is not known. However, a preliminary report on the effect of boric acid (boron) solutions given to mice bearing the human prostate cancer cell-line called LNCaP may shed some light on this mechanism. In a study published in the 2002 Proceedings of the American Association of Cancer Research, Gallardo-Williams et al indicated that mice receiving 1.7 or 9.0 mg/kg/day of boric acid solution orally had decreases in tumor size by 38% and 25%, respectively.3 The same groups had drops in PSA (prostate-specific antigen) of 88.6% and 86.4%, respectively. The control group receiving only water had no drop in PSA or decrease in tumor size."