by panoslydios
Yeah i admit.Meat makes you more ''intelligent''
more competitive and more succesful in society.
Maybe its the sulpur based amino acids.Maybe its much more.
Thing is ,few people that have breaked out of the lies in the world,know that intelligence is not needed to think sanely and clearly.
Intelligence is needed to think deeply.But one can think deeply and be quite insane at the same time.
Intelligence is useless to him who has acquired survival.
After survival intelligence can be thrown away.
Paleos keep acquiring intelligence,thinking it will be a source of happiness.
It cant be.Its a source of confusion ,lack of clarity.
It gives you a perspective of acquiring.You can never acquire anything.
Its a false mental projection of a mind that keeps growing.And the hunger never never stops.
Meat crystallizes the spirit at the lower energy centers.
I dont want this.I want the energy to be crystallized at the eyes.
Vegan makes the eyes clear.
Meat diets make the eyes dark.
Which side are you going to take.Do you want peace or war.Do you want Sun or darkness.Do you want life or death.
Death to a crystallized spirit into the eyes is not death.Paleos will say the good dies young.But its not real death.
Dont go with the dark side.