Long time since I was here last for
Gallstones but now my wife has a problem and I said lets see if theres anything to help first on here.
My wife has a fibroid issue that is now very big and the doctors want to open her up to get it out with a hysterectomy. Shes been on some tablets called esmya ( ulipristal acetate ) for 2 months with another month to go. these are supposed to shrink the fibroid to help with the removal process. Shes not that keen I think on having an op and its not effecting her life majorly except for the need for loo all the time and bulk uncomfy bulk around her tummy sometimes. Menopause will likely be within the next 2-4 years.
Can anyone offer any advice like anything that can help shrink them naturally? Theres loads of 'miracle cures' on the net but you never can tell which is the truth.
Hopefully someone in the same situation or someone wiser can shed some info.