Hi all....I would really like it if someone could help? As you all know, we did humaworm for a year, and have had great results, did DE on the side, however, I still have
parasites in my sinuses :(. I have tried nasal rinsing, but I can feel them up in my temple area, and I know that rinsing won't reach them there!! It is to the point that I am about to go mad! When I blow my nose in the shower I get worms to come out and I can't tell if they are alive or dead! I spit this gray crap that falls from my sinuses to my throat all the time! What is that?! I can feel them shaking in my eyes too at times!! :(
I have been using RG's medicated cream in my nose for some time, and I seem to have more action in my sinuses when I do, but for the most part, I can't tell if I am winning or loosing! I have read a lot of places that most things can't reach the level of your sinuses, and my ears have been popping, and last night after blowing my nose my ear bled! I'm a complete loss here, and just really would appreciate if anyone has any bit of advice! I know I'm not the only one with this problem!