Yeah, you can't trust the medical system. Keep treating him for parasites. Looks like one.
Colloidal Silver combined with iodine, Himalayan salt and thieves
Oil Enema s;
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement enemas;
coffee enemas (see Gerson therapy); 3 glasses FRESH juicer squeezed carrot apple, green juice or citrus juice per enema to keep electrolyte right. Tons of UBIQUINOL coQ10 and biofilms will slither off and out in 1 to 2 foot lengths like worms. Vegetarian diet, no nuts, no legumes, lots of potatoes, sweet, yam, white, Yukon, cassava really attacks these due to Transresveratrol, and leeks and cabbage and garlic soups. Make the Hyppocrites soup. Try gerson.org to see therapy a short cut is here
http://www.livelightwell.com/gerson.html but do the enemas regularly.
Bentonite clay, diatomaceous earth, activated charcoal will help sooth stomach. And fresh aloe vera in pineapple smoothies made with Morenga, a natural anti parasite, get the Jamaican one online, it has the whole pod and is very effective. Neem tea also helps. Try
Hulda Clark e's Protocol. Keep cycling through protocols to confuse these quickly adapting critters.
Have him eat pineapple, don't blend it. make home made roasted pumpkin seeds, have him eat them, shells on. The pineapple and pumpkin seeds will shred the beasts.
Good luck. Poor guy.