Why go to all the trouble of doctors and testing? Good quality multi vitamin/mineral regimen will do it for you and keep it that way. Two to 20 grams of Vitamin ‘C’ a day will clean the body of heavy metals and toxins. The more the better and faster it will but the body in balance and strengthen the immune system. Don’t worry about any vitamin toxicity of vitamins. No one has died from them ever. The Big Pharma spends billions from there 500 billion dollar profits every year to spread lies and confusion about supplements.
Few people understand the crippling effects to the immune system by toxic refined sugars, oils, junk foods, soy and chemicals in processed foods and artificial sweeteners.
The excess sugars in the body are used by fungus, yeasts, parasites, diseases, cancer to grow and replicate.
Human, animal grade diatomaceous earth is important with ‘C’ to control
parasites that drain the body of nutrients, energy and to replace cells burnt up by inflammation, infection and to control the destructive force of free radicals. …dez...